Property of Dazai Osamu

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"HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN ?" Chuuya screamed in the bathroom at seeing 'Property of Dazai Osamu' tattooed down his back.

Tachihara, his roommate, breathed in preparing himself to face the other's anger. Well, at least, he remembered to wrap a towel around his waist as he got out angrily and pulled the other from his collar :"How the hell did this come here ????" he said as he pointed at the tattoo.

His roommate stared at it and did his best not to laugh :"It doesn't look that bad though besides ..." he pushed the other and adjusted his collar :"You were the one who wanted a tattoo, we tried to stop you but ... you know yourself when you get drunk, even Ryuu said he would never hung out with us again !"

The redhead remembered how he becomes when he gets drunk and sighed. The second he thought of his mother's reaction if she finds out, he panicked again :"Just tell me how and where did this happen !!!"

Tachihara looked up from his phone annoyingly :"You were saying something about prooving that you're old enough to your mother who always treats you as a baby or something like that, then we went to that Tattoo store in the other town and you sure took a lot of time inside that i had to carry you home all by myself because Ryuu left me alone !! I'm never forgiving him ..."

"I sure do some dumb shit when i get drunk ..." Chuuya whispered then turned and yelled a "Shut the fuck up !" At the other who said :"Is it just now that you realized ?"

"You said the other town ?" He looked at his tattoo again and blushed :"I'm definitely killing that Dazai guy who did this !"

"Really ?" Tachihara commented lazily without taking his eyes off of his phone this time :"I still remember how you were bragging about how good he was at French kissing and the blow job he ga-"

"WHAT THE FUCK ??!!!" Chuuya instently went to cover the other's mouth, he couldn't hear more, this really was embarassing especially when he didn't even remember the other's face.

He didn't even know why he decided to go back to that shop to have a cover up to that tattoo, he could choose any other Tattoo shop but he still chose that one. He prefered to ignore the fact that he was so curious to see this guy who was so good at French kissing and maybe do it again .

He didn't know why he was tensing up and checking if his clothes were good at the store's door. He was wearing a red sweater and black skinny pants with a black leather jacket and black boots, he had his hair in a cute ponytail that fell on his left shoulder. Even Tachihara made a comment about how he took too much time to dress up as if he was some school girl preparing herself for her first date. 

He breathed in and opened the door trying to forget about his fast beating heart. The first one who faced him was a tall bandaged  brunet wearing a dark blue V-neck sweater with black jeanes. He smirked the second he saw him :"I knew you would come back~"

Chuuya looked around the shop, a super dark store with some pictures of past client's tattoos here and there. He acted like he didn't hear the other's comment and went closer to the counter :"I want a co- What the fuck ?!" Well, he had the right to yell after he noticed a pic of his own tattoo on the wall behind the brunet.

"You take this off and you burn it right fucking now or-"

"Or what ?" The other smirked and the ginger tensed up :"Well, i'm not a bad guy so let's do this ..." he got up from his seat and walked up to the other who just glared at him :"You said you wanted a cover up so let's go inside and do your cover up then i'll burn this one or do whatever you want with it, nice deal right ?".

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