Thirst Tweets

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Warning : Mild sexual content !

Everyone in the studio was silent, the two Actors adjusting themselves on their chairs and waiting till they were told that the filming of the video started and they both wore their smiles.

"Hi there, i'm Shuu- or should we keep it with our characters names ?"

"Yeah, we can do that ."

The brunet waited for his partner's approval before he coughs and restarts his introduction.

"Hi there, i'm Dazai Osamu~"

"And i am Nakahara Chuuya and we are here today to read some .. thirst tweets from our apparently very thirsty fans .."

Chuuya was about to take the box with the small sheet of papers where the tweets were written but he slowly retrieved his hand as he noticed Dazai glaring at him.

"What ?"

"You forgot to mention the most important part in our introduction !!!"

This wasn't the time to get in an argument so Chuuya chose to add that so important part without complaining.

"And we, as Soukoku, but also a .. couple in real life, are here to read your thirst tweets ."

Dazai's smile couldn't grow wider while Chuuya regretted his decision to come to this show and Dazai wasn't helping at all as he lifted both their right hands showing the camera their matching rings.

"We're engaged now~"

"Everyone already knows .. you don't have to repeat this in every show we go to .."

"Now now, Chuuya~ if you're getting embarrassed at simply mentioning our engagement then how are you gonna read these thirst tweets ?"

"I can do it you know i have been preparing myself for this since i knew about it !"

Chuuya knew from Dazai's laugh that he was going to say something embarrassing and he wasn't wrong.

"Yeah, i still remember how many times you told me to say something dirty while you tried not to blush and .."

Dazai looked at the camera, knowing his fans would love his little smirk and that way too sexy wink.

"Spoiler alert, he failed everytime ."

"Stop exposing me like that !!!! And let's just get to those tweets !"

Chuuya didn't hesitate to pull the box this time, taking the first paper his fingers touched and the moment his eyes laid on what was written there, he shoved it back inside, his face bright red.

"I .. will act like i didn't see anything ..."

"We didn't even start, Chuu .. give me that box ."

Chuuya handed it to him, questioning his life choices now .. it wasn't only about coming to this show, why did he decide to become a celebrity in the first place ?

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