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I sat down on the bench and the cold air hitting my face, it is a nice feeling but the situation is not that ideal for me. I don't know what to do with my life, I feel so worthless to be born as a human and I have no purpose in my life.

When I was born, I was blessed because I had the love from my dear mother who loved me with all her life and she loved me a lot, she would do anything for me and she wouldn't mind if she got the shorter end of the stick. That is what mothers do for their children and my mother is no exception, the answer is the same for every mother in the world.

And I grew up with a loving mother and she told me that I should grow up into someone who has a lot of compassion for everyone and a big heart to forgive anyone, that was something that I followed throughout my entire life and stayed out of trouble, it is the only one that I can do to not let down my mother who has passed away now.

I thought that I wouldn't have anyone replace my mother anymore and my father just had to marry some other woman and gave her the assignment to be my mother, I didn't ask for one and I will never want anyone to replace my mother. I only have one mother and there is no one better than her, I don't care about my father's opinion and I think that he is getting his retribution for everything that he has done in his life.

I heard footsteps running towards me and I looked towards the person who is running towards me now, I stood up and she hugged me as soon as we were close to each other. "Minhyun, are you alright?" She asked me.

I nodded my head, my mind clearly says the opposite but I have to tell her that I am feeling okay and nothing is bothering me at all. "I am alright now that I see you, you make me so happy."

"I know that face, you are not okay at all." My smile immediately faltered at her words and I know that I am bad at lying, I am never good at hiding my emotions and that was why I avoided interacting with people and being friends with them in general except for Ong Seongwoo since he is my tenant and I pay him rent.

I sat down on the bench and she followed suit, looking at me with concern. "What happened?" She asked me. "Don't you dare tell me that nothing bad happened to you, there is no way that you would come all the way here to my neighbourhood just to enjoy some evening breeze and talking to me, you have something to tell me so tell me whatever it is on your mind."

I sighed. "I will give you a few seconds to get prepared, it is a huge thing and you don't want to get freaked out too much," I told her and she nodded her head, I just hope that she would listen to me and not avoid me after this.

"To be honest, Yeongwon. I told you that I come from a middle-class family and I have a normal relationship with my family, that was all a lie and I have been lying to you ever since I met you. I am the son of a very rich man, he is the CEO of a real estate company and I am his successor." I told her the truth about my family and she looked at me with a straight face as if she knew it all. "Don't tell you that you know it already."

"Your clothes gave you out so easily and your dear friend told me everything about your family and the fact that you pay your dear friend 200,000 won just to stay at his apartment that doesn't cost that much to maintain." She said to me and I felt betrayed as my landlord and friend decided to snitch up on me and told Bae Yeongwon everything.

"I am going to not pay for rent just to make him beg for me to forgive him," I said and she chuckled. "How can you pretend that you didn't know about it for the longest time?"

She shrugged her shoulders and I cleared my throat, going back to what I am supposed to tell her about. "So I lived in a wealthy household and my father decided to remarry and end up with someone who is supposed to replace my mother's position which she passed away when I was a child, they are now going through a divorce right now."

She nodded her head. "And then? How does that even concern you since you don't live with your father anymore?" She asked me.

"I am still his successor and with him divorcing his wife, all the shares in the company will be going to me and that would mean that I would be taking over the company as soon as I graduate from high school and I don't want to inherit a company that I don't have an interest in taking over," I told her. "I never had an interest in real estate and I don't have the desire to be my father's successor but I am and I don't know what to do, so I want to know about your opinion about this and I hope that you can give me some advice on how to go about this thing."

"Just abandon the company if you don't want to do it, you are the successor and you have the power to do anything so give it all up if you don't want to take over the company." I looked at her as if she has gone crazy. "I am serious, if you have the interest then do it. If you don't like it, abandon it and use the money for something else."

"You are crazy, Bae Yeongwon," I told her and she looked as if she wanted to kill me. "How can you tell me to abandon everything when my father was the one to build up everything and everything will crumble if I abandon it all of a sudden? There is no way that I am not going to let it rot and I am going to do something just to prove that you were wrong."

She suddenly smiled and I realized what she just did to me, she made me come up with the answer that I have been trying to find and I have found it. No matter how much I disliked my father, I am not going to let his business go to the drains and I am going to make it strive even more with me managing the company. "Are you planning to be the CEO's wife someday?" I said to her.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now