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I heard the groaning of the guy next to me, touching the bruises that I landed on him earlier if there is anything that I would like to say about this, I only wished that no one stopped me from hitting that guy. But I was caught in a fight because someone in the class went to notify the teachers about this and they came down as fast as possible to stop the both of us from fighting any further, I wanted to beat up that guy so badly that he lands in the hospital for months and months but I can't do that, I will definitely get arrested for that.

But my anger in my heart wouldn't go away if I don't do that to him, he and the other classmates were the cause why Bae Yeongwon is suffering from such bullying for the past 3 years, I just wanted to help her feel better about the entire situation but they weren't helping at all. In fact, the bullying became even worse and I couldn't take it anymore, that's why I did what I wouldn't do on a regular basis.

I landed my first punch on that guy and it was refreshing, it feels great to beat up someone who is deserved to get beaten up and get punished for his whole sins. I wished that I could have done that to all the people that made me angry throughout my entire life, it could make me feel better and relieved that I got the chance to take care of them myself.

But it is bad to do that, it is bad to hit other people because it is what people who have anger management issues do and when they lose control of their own emotions, they beat people up to release the anger that is inside of them. I finally knew how it feels to have all of these anger build up inside of me as I tried my best to endure it and pretend that nothing hurts me and I don't get affected by anything but in actual fact, I am constantly hurting by all of these people that want to hurt me with their words and me want to get out of it but I can't, I am constantly trapped in my own emotions and I pretend that I am fine with everything and nothing can affect me.

Never did I know that I actually have so much anger built up in my body, just waiting for one day that I would explode and unleash a new side of me and today's the day that I finally to do that and I don't regret any of my actions, I knew that I did for a great reason and I shouldn't be disappointed that I beat someone up in school today.

The door to the principal's office opened and Bae Yeongwon gets out, taking a look at me and the guy that I beat up. "The principal wants to see both of you."

I nodded and I entered the principal's office along with that guy, the principal is sitting behind his desk with a file in his hand and he doesn't look that happy, it is obvious that beating someone up in school isn't something to be proud of. "Have a seat, the both of you."

And we took our seats, he is still sorting out the files on his desk and he takes a look at the two of us. "You may tell me everything that has happened leading up to the fight from your perspective, you are to not to lie or fabricate everything that happened or you will be punished even more severely. Starting from you, Hwang Minhyun."

I sighed. "I only have one thing to say about this whole matter, I am not in the wrong for punching him and I will not apologize for it."

The guy grabbed my collar in rage. "Hey! You won't apologize! What the heck is wrong with you? You should be saying something better than this and apologize to me about what you had done to me."

"I know and I won't, let go of me this instant," I replied to his words.

"Hwang Minhyun, you bastard! Are you nuts?"His fist came close to my face and I knew that he is going to fight me again, I will definitely not dodge his punches again.

The principal yells at both of us. "The both of you stop arguing! Do you know that it is such a childish thing to do?" The principal nods at the other guy. "Ha Sungwoon, what is your view about this entire situation?"

He lets go of me and he stares at me angrily. "I don't know what is wrong with him, he just decides to attack me for no reason and I don't know why he is doing that for. I know that he just transferred not too long ago and he might not understand our school's culture that well and he might have misunderstood our actions towards Bae Yeongwon, we are just teasing her."

I cleared my throat and slammed my hand on the table. "That is the same thing as name-calling and that is considered bullying, own up to it if you guys are so great at playing this game. Everyone knows that it is bullying but you guys are too scared to admit that, it is the same thing that happens in every other school. There is no such thing as a bullying culture."

"Ha Sungwoon, is that right?" The principal asked him for confirmation and he slowly nodded, keeping his head low because he is way too embarrassed to admit that he has been doing this childish thing to someone who doesn't deserve, no one in this world deserves to be bullied by anyone and they should be treated fairly among one another.

"So the truth is out and the two of you have admitted to your wrongdoings and based on our school rules, it is quite a serious offence and you two are suspended for a week. If you wish to appeal, I will tell you that there is no such thing as changing the rules for your own benefit." He looks at the two of us with disbelief. "And I want to see you for a while, Hwang Minhyun. You may go back to class, Ha Sungwoon."

Once that guy got out of his office, the principal deeply sighed. "Do you really have to do that? Do you know how angry your father would be if he finds out that his dearest son has gotten into trouble in school by beating up his classmate."

There is one thing that I hadn't revealed in this whole situation, the principal of this school is not just the principal but he is also my mother's older brother and I have been close to him since I was young and my father trusted him to take care of him and so he decided to transfer me to his school so that he can keep a close eye on me. I didn't really like that, but he is family so I can't say anything about that except for concealing the fact that I am the principal's nephew.

"I don't care about what he thinks about me, I don't even think that he cares about me. And I did all of that because I wanted Bae Yeongwon to finally see the retribution of her classmates and I wanted to help her. Please don't tell that to her, Uncle." I pleaded to him. "I want her to go to school for the rest of the school year in peace, not to be bullied until she graduates."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now