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I wiped my tears with my thumb, looking at myself in the mirror crying for such a stupid reason. Why the hell did I even cry for?

Hwang MinHyun is just like any other guy in this school, they are all the same. They are popular among all the people in the school and thinks that they are superior compared to the other students, they are self-conceited and only care about themselves. And I am paired with one of the newest popular kid who transferred the last term for some unknown reason, I heard rumours that he caused some trouble in his previous school and had to transfer because he got expelled from that school.

I don't really believe but whatever rumours that the school spreads, it turns out to be true and authentic. For one instance, my eyes, they caused so much trouble for me all these years and it is a curse for everyone who tries to see them.

And for Hwang MinHyun, he is an idiot for not believing the rumours. Can't he see that people are literally avoiding because they are afraid to not look at me in the eye? Can't he see that I don't have any friends because of my frightening eyes?

I took out the emergency kit that I had in my bag at all times, it is my contact lens case. Even though I have told myself that I need not resort to this anymore for them to like me, nothing has changed for me ever since I decided to not use contact lens ever again.

I got out of the toilet after putting on the contact lens, I kept my head low as usual due to habit and I walked my way back to class. There were only a few people in the class, the class is already over and class is being dismissed. Hwang MinHyun has also left the class, I got back to my seat and found a note on my desk. I took it and I read it.

Talk to me whenever you want to, I want to be your friend. Here's my number.


Hwang MinHyun

I crushed up that note, I didn't want to contact him at all. He gave me his phone number, I don't think that he is serious about it at all. That could be a fake phone number that he made it up so that I would fall for it and call him, I won't fall for that.

I took my belongings and I had my phone close to my ear as I walked out of school, hoping that she had already got out of school herself. She promised that she would be free today and we would spend the rest of the day together.

"Hello?" She picked up the call, she sounded a little tired. "Where are you right now?"

"I just got out of school," I told her, rushing to the bus stop. We agreed that we would meet at the café that we always go to and then we will go to other places such as the cinema or we would just spend the rest of the day at each other's houses.

"Don't you move at all, I'm coming to you!" She told me as I heard her footsteps from her side of the phone call. "You're outside the school gate right?"

I nodded. "Yes." I hang up the call and I looked up, she was there running her way to me with a bright smile on her face. She is the only one who would smile like that other than my own family. She gave me a tight hug as soon as she is within distance, she loved giving hugs to the people that she love and care about but the way that she hugs people, it is a little too much. "That's enough, Taekyung-ah..." I grunted, getting my words out with much difficulty.

She immediately pulled away from me. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to do that, I just missed you way too much." She patted my head.

I rolled my eyes. "Miss, it has been only a month since we have last met, that is not that long for you to miss me," I told her.

"You're right, I'm just way too clingy to be a friend." She pauses as she stares at my face, especially at my eyes. "You did that again." She exclaimed with a disappointed sigh.

"Did what again?" I pretended not to understand that nothing is wrong with my face or something.

"Your eyes, you covered them up again. I thought that I told you not to do that and you wore contact lenses again." She commented and I walked away from her, into the direction of my house. "Why do you want to cover your uniqueness again?"

"Nothing much, I just felt like wearing them again." It helps to become more confident. "Can't I do that?" I snapped at her and I brisk-walked to prevent her to see me in tears.

She caught up to me in no time and grabbed my hand, dragging me to another location despite my struggles to get out of it. I found comfort in her hold, she would always know how to comfort me unlike me who doesn't even know how to stop someone from crying.

She drags me inside a shop and to the mirror where she had me stand in front of it, where I hated to look at myself in the mirror. I don't know why I hated myself in the mirror where I looked normal after putting on the contact lens, I feel much more comfortable when I am being myself.

"See? You are not even looking at yourself, you don't even like seeing yourself with two brown eyes." She replied, looking at my reflection. "Why are you even torturing yourself when you don't even like it?"

She is right. "But people like me if I'm normal. It's true."

"But that is for 2 months only and they began hating you as soon as you ditch those contacts." I walked away from the store with Taekyung following me closely from behind. "You shouldn't care about them too much, just be yourself and it would be fine." She is just repeating those over and over again...

Everything would have been solved if they stopped judging me for my eyes but they didn't, they still continued to make fun of me, ridicule me for being Medusa with different coloured eyes that would turn people into stone and have them cursed with 7 years of bad luck.

"It is so easy to say that when it's not you, you are the bystander from the very start. You never changed at all." I said to her and I ran off, bumping into someone.

The huge force from the huge bump caused me to fall back but his strong arm supported my back, preventing me to fall. I looked at his face as I apologized. "I'm so sorry--" I stopped since I realized who that person is.

"Hwang MinHyun..." He stared at me with his almond eyes with an uncertain facial expression, something that I don't really like.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now