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The phone in my pocket couldn't stop ringing and I don't know any other way to stop it other than answering it and I don't want to answer the call, I didn't want to, I don't want to hear that woman's voice at all.

Nothing good happens whenever I get her call, it is always that annoying getting calls from her when he should be calling me instead. Is it that hard to call me than to tell her to chase after me all the time?

"Your phone is ringing..." A passerby notifies me of my phone ringing and I couldn't care less, even if I silenced it, it wouldn't help much. It is not like the calling would ever stop for a second.

I began to walk faster and faster the longer the phone rings, increasing my degree of irritation and annoyance. It would be better to throw away my phone but that is my only phone, if I were to throw it away, I have no means of communication at all. I would be cut off from the rest of the world, I wouldn't know who will be found for me if I didn't have my phone, I wouldn't be able to call anyone at all and no one will be able to reach me.

I was walking way too fast and with so much force that I didn't realize that I had bumped into someone and she is able to fall down from my strength, my arm went around her waist and supported her back, preventing her from falling.

"I'm so sorry--" She looked up at me and she seems really familiar to me, not the face but the voice. "Hwang MinHyun..."

I stared at her for a good few seconds trying to figure her out, not knowing who the person is in front of me. "Who are you--"

"Yeongwon!" I heard a female calling for someone and she flinched upon hearing that name, she grabbed my wrist and ran away, dragging me along with her.

I didn't understand why I went along with her even though I shouldn't, I actually went with a stranger who I barely even know except for her name. Yeongwon seems like a very popular name... There are already two people with the same name in my school and she is the third one with this beautiful name.

We ran all the way from the public and to one of the dark alleys behind the shops, it is a sight that I don't really see on a normal day. I would normally avoid the dark alleys as it is scary and it is shady, a lot of bad people normally do business in this kind of places but it seems quite okay for me to visit this place today.

She lets go of my hand and she pants, her hands touching her knees as she catches her breath. "Sorry that I have to drag you into this, you can go now."

I looked down at her nametag for confirmation and I was right, she was indeed the person that I was thinking about, the same person who sat down next to me in class this afternoon. "You're Yeongwon right? Bae Yeongwon, my classmate."

Her facial expression changed and he eyes darted around the place, avoiding me. "No, I'm not. You have gotten the wrong person."

"I'm right, you're really Yeongwon with two brown eyes." She really looked different with two normally brown eyes, not the usual blue-brown eye colour combination which makes her unique from the others. "Those contacts change your appearance a lot."

"That is none of your business, I got to go now. Sorry for this again." She runs out of the alley, leaving me behind staring at her back.

The phone starts ringing and I did what I always wanted to do for a very long time, I found a half-filled bucket in front of me and I dropped the phone inside, letting it submerge and allowing the water to flow into the system thus damaging it.

If she were to ask me about it, I would just say that I accidentally dropped the phone into water and thus I couldn't answer my phone anymore. It is a good idea and a valid reason for avoiding me if she were ever to find me at school.

I returned home and a woman sat down in the living room, she stood up upon hearing my footsteps and she came to me, searching me from top to bottom. "Where is your mobile phone? Why did you not pick up your calls? I have been calling you all day, asking you to come back home to eat dinner with me."

"I had dinner outside and I don't have the appetite to have any more food." I lied. How the hell have I eaten? I didn't even go to the convenience store today, the last meal that I had was in school and I hadn't eaten anything till now.

"Really? Then why didn't you tell me about that? What's the use of even having a mobile phone when you don't even answer my phone calls?" I was always tired of her questions every day, it never changed. It is always about me not picking up my calls and not coming home for dinner, I had a really good reason for doing that.

"You're not my mother, don't think that you can ever replace her. There isn't any chance and there will be no chance of you ever becoming my mother because you are just my father's mistress and you will never be my mother."

She trembled as she called out my full name. "Hwang MinHyun, don't be so rude to me. To think that I have taken care of you for so many years since you were a little kid and now you are treating me like this."

"That is because I was clueless at that point of time. You will never become the mother figure in my family, I hope that my father would divorce you as soon as possible or better, I would move out right now so that I won't get to hear your voice nor see you anywhere in the house anymore."

My father has a few apartments that he has bought over the years, I'm very sure that he would allow me to stay there for the time being. I wanted to avoid this woman, I will do whatever it takes to avoid her if I could for the rest of my life.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now