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I cleared my throat, allowing my voice to be delivered to her smoothly without any cracks. "I don't hate the rain but I like it when I am indoors so that I will be able to stay in and sleep," I answered to the unknown person who is sitting on the other side of the bush, the girl who has been always been here in the school garden during lunch time. "Then what other things do you like?"

The school bell rang, signalling the end of the lunch break and I could hear footsteps on the other side. "Sorry, I'll have to go! It is the end of lunch break!" She announced.

"Wait! Will you be here at the same time tomorrow?"

"Probably..." She replied. "You better go as well. You wouldn't want to miss your class." And she ran off, leaving me in the big school garden all by myself.

The reason why I was here, I didn't mean to enter this place at all. It was a mistake and it was a very pleasant mistake that I would love as soon as I heard her voice. Her beautiful voice that I wished more people would love to hear...

I am a student who specializes in basketball as a sport and I am also a member of the school's basketball team as one of the star players, thus very popular among the student body. I had transferred here early this year as I had moved houses and my family decided that I transfer schools as well so that it wouldn't be a hassle for me to travel from one place to the other, plus the distance from my previous school is very far from my current residence.

Honestly, I don't know why I would become so popular as soon as I transferred to this school, it wasn't the case for me in my previous school where I spent most of my high school life there. I was treated the same as the other members of the basketball back at the old school, not much people yelled for me when I was competing, not much people would fangirl over me when I am just walking around the school with my other teammates but in there, I almost have people coming up to me to have a picture with me or to sign an autograph for me.

It is a complete disaster for me, everyone's attention was on me especially the girls who would follow me wherever I go, if they didn't take a picture with me, they would be snapping pictures of me secretly whether if it is during class or during lunch break. I would hear all those snapping sounds from the camera and I know that they didn't silence the phone on purpose, they want to know how flustered I will be when I heard them taking pictures of me and then giggling later about how hot I looked when I was drinking water or just eating my food.

I don't like it at all, I don't like how they crept at me all the time even if I don't want the attention, I just dislike the amount of attention that they have on me when I am just a regular guy with a face that I don't consider myself as good looking.

And once in a while, one girl would ask me to meet them at some place on campus and then they will start to confess their feelings to me when I don't even know them. I really don't know what to react whenever they do that, it is awkward and I hope that they would never do this. Why do they still confess if they know that they don't have the chance?

I often had to tell them the truth that I don't like them, that I don't have feelings for them and I hope that they will stop having unrequited crushes on me when I won't return them back. I am not being a bad person for rejecting the girls, I have to reject them. What's the point of even accepting their confession when I don't even know them?

And so my school life is a total mess thanks to people who wouldn't stop invading my privacy, I don't even think that I even have my own space in school where I am able to be myself for at least one hour and not worrying about anything else, that no one would spy on me when I am having my lunch.

Until yesterday where I stumbled upon the school garden while attempting to escape from the girls as soon as I got released for lunch break, I sprinted all the way from the classroom to everywhere in the campus where I can hide from anyone who wants to get close to me. Everywhere that I go is completely occupied with people and I struggled to find a space for myself.

I got to the school garden panting and having to catch my breath as I have run over a distance, the school garden is located all the way to the back of the school and it is a very quiet place, the quietest place that I have ever gone to ever since the day I transferred. There were literally no people around as it is a place where nature takes place without anyone disturbing, the benches were empty and I took a seat, taking in the clean air and peaceful atmosphere, a contrast from the rest of the campus where everywhere is filled with people.

At that moment, I thought that I just heard an angel speak. It is the loveliest voice that I have ever heard. "Yeongwon-ah, do you know how much I like sandwiches? It is like my life, if I don't get to eat that, I would be so sad."

I unknowingly smiled as I continued to listen to that angel. How can she have a voice like that? She is definitely not from this world. "And the sun, I love that it is bright and brings smiles to everyone no matter if they were sad,"

"Then do you like the rain?" I blurted out my thoughts and there was no way that she wouldn't hear it.

"Who is that?" She asked frantically and I thought hard of an excuse that I could use but I couldn't find any.

Just say out your thoughts, MinHyun-ah... "The listener of your radio station." I meant it when I said that, it is as if she is doing a radio broadcast and I'm listening to her show. It is a shame that I was the only person there to hear that beautiful voice of hers.

How I wished that I know her so that I can find her... I got back to my seat, taking out my notebook and writing down something for her.

My favourite voice...

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now