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"I told you that to never open the doors for strangers to enter but yet you are still doing that, why are you being so obstinate?" I was dragged up to my bedroom by my younger brother and he had me sit down on my bed guarded closely by him as he closed the door and he is now taking clothes out of my closet, comparing the two dresses side by side. "And what the hell are you doing right now?"

He looked at me with a nonchalant facial expression. "I thought that you are going on a date with Minhyun hyung? I had to make sure that you look presentable so that you will shine in public as his date."

I rolled my eyes. "I told you that we are just friends, he is just spouting nonsense just to convince me to go back to school with him and I am still not going back to school with him."

"Doesn't look like that to me, he had a gift in his hand and he looked all nervous when I was talking to him earlier. He definitely has the hots for you."

I scoffed, there is no way that any guy in this world will ever think that Bae Yeongwon is an attractive person, not with the different coloured eyes that make me look like a freak. "He is not, why would anyone like me at all? He is saying all of this just to make me believe him and I would slowly trust him and as soon as I am in his trap, he would betray my kindness for him and history will repeat itself again. I have seen these kinds of a situation and I know how exactly it would turn out to be like." I crossed my arms over one another. "So, stop believing that he is someone who will save me from this misery and solve all of my problems in one go, not even Jesus or Buddha has managed to make all my problems go away, how would he be able to do that?"

JinYoung puts down the dresses in his hands. "Noona, I know that you are hurt and traumatized by what happened in the past but life is not going to be like that for the rest of your life. There is going to be someone who will be able to solve your problems and give you happiness, I know that it sounds ridiculous but it can happen. It is like what they say, at the end of the dark tunnel comes a bright ray of light, Minhyun hyung is exactly like that and he is going to help you gain back your self-confidence and build up your reputation."

I don't see how he can do that... But my younger brother clearly doesn't care about that and shoved 2 dresses in my face. "Which dress do you like? The pink or the blue one? Personally, I prefer the pink one and it would look extremely good on you, and plus you wear this dress all the time."

I pushed that dress away. "Bae JinYoung, I am still not going on a date with that guy. He is a very bad guy and nothing good will come out of him, you have seen those guys in school as well and he is one of them." I told him my honest opinion about Hwang Minhyun, there is no way that he can be that nice to such a nerd and the outcast of the school.

"But Noona, I trust him and I know that he is nothing like what you have described him as. I know that you have your bad experiences with those pretty boys that do nothing but to hurt you but Minhyun hyung is different."

"How can you be so sure?" My younger brother has not even spent so much time with him, and plus he has only met him twice and he is already being so defensive about him. "What spell did he even do on you?"

"Noona, if you are still unsure about him, I can come along with the two of you and make sure that my intuition is right. Can't you just believe him for once?"

I really want to but I am afraid of getting hurt, the last time I opened up my heart for someone else, she broke it and returned it to me in pieces and she didn't even regret it for a single moment. She even told everyone tin school how she used me and treated me like nothing but a glass vase, ready to be broken and thrown as if it didn't worth much.

"Noona, he is not like her, he will never hurt you like how she did to you years ago." My eyes widened at the mere mention of that person, I hated her to the core after what she has done to me and I wished that she didn't exist and I hadn't sat down next to her on the first day of school.

She made me feel special and wanted until she betrayed me for her own good, Taekyung was there until the end but she said nothing to stop her from hurting me, she knew what she wanted to do but she didn't even try to persuade her or even tried to tell me that she is bad to me and I should get rid of her in my life before she starts to ruin me from inside out but it is already too late, she has hurt me way too much that I learned not to trust anyone that tries to get close to me.

And now there is Hwang Minhyun who is trying to be her all over again and attempt to break my heart, and that will make me want to end my life for real. "I don't want what happened 3 years ago to happen to you again, I don't want to lose you this time." He held onto my hands. "Noona, you have to stay alive for your own sake, I don't want to lose you because you got hurt, I want you to meet the right person who will never ever betray you and break your heart again."

And that person is Hwang Minhyun. I should trust myself with Hwang Minhyun once more if he is able to do what my brother wanted him to do, I really want people to accept me for who I am. "Fine, I'll go. Only if you help me choose my outfit."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now