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"Stop it, you are making that stupid face again." I looked at Ong Seongwoo who just came into the kitchen to get himself some breakfast, the food that I have cooked for him every single morning since I have started to live with him on a long-term basis.

"I wasn't making any face," I told him, applying my bread with the peanut butter with such perfect strokes.

"You are, Hwang Minhyun. You are smiling the first time in the morning even though there is nothing happy in the morning, we are going to school and school is not a place where we could be really happy." He sat down opposite me at the dining table and signalled me to pass him one of the jam spreads. "You don't smile all the time, that is the Hwang Minhyun that I know. What happened last night?"

My cheeks started heating up and I cleared my throat to get rid of the awkwardness. "Nothing happened last night, I just accompanied Bae Yeongwon to the radio station and brought her back home after everything is done. I came back and fell asleep almost immediately, that is all I did last night."

"You didn't fall asleep immediately last night, I could hear you kicking your blankets for at least half an hour and giggling like some love-struck idiot. Tell me what exactly happened between you and Bae Yeongwon? I know that you guys aren't just good friends."

I exhaled. "We are just good friends, it is just that we kissed..." I immediately covered my mouth with my free hand and then cleared my throat once again. "We did nothing wrong, absolutely nothing for you to worry about."

I tried to lie through my teeth but it obviously didn't work at all because Ong Seongwoo didn't look like he was believing everything that I had said and he stared at me, waiting for me to give the exact answer that he wanted to hear from my own mouth. "Your stay in this apartment will be shortened if you don't tell me what is exactly on your mind, Hwang Minhyun. Make the right choice or you will suffer in my hell."

I sighed, he is going to know about it sooner or later and it is not like he will have any impact on my life if I tell him the truth about what happened last night. "Fine, I will tell you. We kissed last night after I sent her back home, I don't know the meaning of that kiss and I didn't get a chance to ask her because she ran into her house before I could do anything."

He had an amused facial expression on his face. "What do you think about that kiss? Was it very important to you?" He asked me.

"I..." My cheeks turned pink and I looked down because I was so embarrassed. "I liked it a lot but she is just a friend and she is nothing other than that."

"Are you sure? Because you wouldn't be like this if you didn't feel like she is only a friend to you, she clearly has feelings for you. But do you have feelings for her as well? Do you like her in a romantic way?"

Do I like her in a romantic way? For as long as I can remember, I have been liking her personality the first time I met her or to be exact, I heard her voice before seeing her in person and she has the sweetest and most engaging voice that anyone could have. I love it when she describes the simplest things in a way that keeps you listening for a very long time and she lets her voice run free as she talks about her life.

When I first met her in person, she had the most beautiful pair of eyes, they aren't the same colour but that is what it is so unique about her but people decided to treat that uniqueness as something that should be avoided at all costs. That is such a ridiculous reason to bully someone who is born with the condition, it is not like she plans to stand out with the different eye colours but she was born with it.

I have started to protect her after knowing that she needed me to help her get out of this bullying situation that she has been stuck in since kindergarten, she is just a regular high schooler with a newfound dream and people are finding ways to bring her down just because she looks different from them. Bae Yeongwon is just a regular girl who has a dream to become a radio DJ and have her own show, she doesn't want anything else in this world.

And I like this girl, she gives me the confidence that I never will have in my life and she allows me to become happy when I am with him. So do I have feelings for her? I actually do, I have liked her from the very first time I heard her voice.

I got to Bae Yeongwon's house as soon as I am done with breakfast and I prepared a lot of poses for her when she comes out, she needs to see the best side of me and I have no idea what is the best side of myself. "What are you doing the first thing in the morning?" I stopped posing and I looked at her, she looks a little different and she is wearing the little ribbons that make her look even more adorable. I didn't even know that she could be even more adorable than she already is...

"Good morning, Yeongwon. Did you sleep well last night? Since you have returned home quite late and it might have messed up your sleep cycle a little." I asked her.

"I am fine, I usually sleep at that timing so I am used to it. Did you sleep well last night?" She asked me back the same question.

"Of course I did, I slept like a little baby." I cleared my throat. "Shall we go to school now?"

She looked behind me and she looked at me. "Where is the bicycle?" She asked me.

"It is Seongwoo's and I only lent it because I needed to bring you to the radio station in the fastest time possible, he already went to school and I don't know when he would ever lend me the bicycle again," I told her. "Why? Do you like the bicycle?"

She nodded. "It is fast and I get to hug you without asking you if I can do that." She smiled at me and I feel butterflies in my stomach, I have really fallen in love with her and I have no idea how to stop it.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now