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I walked home with Yeongwon, holding her hand and feeling her warmth that comforts me all the time. Her hands might be small but they are the warmest hands that I have held and all of my worries goes away whenever I hold her hand even just for a second, it heals me and I feel even more motivated to go through the rest of the day.

"Have a good night rest and think of me," I said to her, waving to her and she waves back at me before turning around and getting into her house. I continued to wave at her until the door closes and I take a deep breath, I can't believe that I have suppressed my true feelings about this.

I am not supposed to be feeling like this and I can't deny that things have started to get awkward ever since she said that sentence to me and I can't forget it even though she told me to not think about it. "I love you but we don't need to involve ourselves with each other when we are doing the things that each of us likes, it is unnecessary and it is a waste of time."

Those were the exact words that she said to me when we met for lunch and she might have been tired from her work last night and she didn't get enough rest but it doesn't sound like she is saying all of that because she is tired and she needed to sleep more, I know that she is not the type to be that honest and she would prefer to sugarcoat everything than, to tell the truth, and she would not say such a thing to me.

It might not sound that hurtful but it is indeed hurtful to me, I kept thinking about it even though she told me to brush it aside and not go back to it but she indeed said that it is a waste of time just sitting around and waiting for me to get off work. I work pretty long hours since it is an office job but it is a day job and I don't have to work overtime because it is still my first day at work and I am still getting used to working.

She has a part-time job as a radio DJ and her shows are at midnight which meant that I would have to stay up all night and send her home after she is done, I have never told her about this but I have always fallen asleep in the lobby every single show and I have one alarm set for me to wake up 15 minutes to freshen up so that I don't look like I just woke up. And I have never complained about it once because I had made a promise to her that I would always be there for her dreams and pick her up from her work and then send her home after she is done with work, I have never failed to do that and she is complaining about how tiring it is for her to wait for me to get off work.

She could have just told me that she isn't capable of waiting a whole day for me to get off work and not give me empty promises so that she doesn't have to make her own life so miserable, and it is my first day of work and it is a special day for me. If she had told me that she isn't free to do that for me, I wouldn't mind but she is complaining about something that she convinced herself to do and now she is blaming me for it...

I made it back home without having to punch a nearby tree somewhere and I chose to take a long shower to sort out my thoughts, today is a long day and Yeongwon unexpectedly gave me problems that I can't simply solve, I just feel lost over her words and the words that she chose to say to me, Yeongwon is not that kind of a person and she is just tired. I keep telling myself that while my heart continues to hurt with the words that I hear without having any of it filtered out.

Seongwoo is out having dinner with his family together and he is probably not going to come home soon so it is just me and myself and my broken heart, there is nothing at home because we run out of food today and I am not in the mood to go grocery shopping and there isn't anything instant for me to cook. So I ordered food via delivery and I just sat down on the couch, my hands pressing the right button on the remote control, browsing through all the movies that I might want to watch and I am just browsing through all of it without having any intention of watching it.

I don't even know if Yeongwon means it or not, she sounded like she meant it but I don't dare to confront her about it. I don't even dare to question her when she said to me and I simply just kept quiet during the entire day, and I am now sitting on the couch not even choosing anything to watch and just browsing through everything. But I should ask her about it...

It might be a misunderstanding and I will only know about it when I confront her about it, I let out a sigh and I reached for my phone on my coffee table and my fingers hovered over the call option. Is she already asleep? I looked at the time on the clock, it is a little over 10 pm and Bae Yeongwon doesn't sleep that early, she might still be doing her homework.

The doorbell rings and I looked towards the door, I haven't invited anyone over tonight and Ong Seongwoo can't be back at this time and he hasn't told me that he is coming back. This is technically his apartment and he doesn't have to inform me about it...

The doorbell rings again and I went to the door, feeling weird that he is ringing the doorbell when he stays here. Maybe he forgot his keys?

I opened the door and Bae Yeongwon appears behind it. "Yeongwon..."

"Mind if I kiss you?" She said and I could even answer her, she throws herself on me and started kissing the hell out of me without giving any context to anything at all.

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