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My younger brother handed me a packet of ginseng drink as I got of my room. "Drink it, you are going to host a radio show for 3 hours and you don't want to fall asleep in the middle of your broadcast."

It is rare of him to do something like this to me because he is my younger brother and he is the one who is used to the affection that my parents give him and I usually don't get the same amount of affection, they said that they are not biased but I have eyes, I have clearly tell the difference between having drumsticks and breast meat at the table and I would always get the breast meat without any doubt.

"Thanks, did you steal it?" I asked him, taking the drink and sipping it.

"Omma told me to give it to you, she said that you should be in your best condition for your first official radio show." I felt a little touched by my mother's actions, I guess that she treats the both of us the same after all.

I got out of the house to find Hwang Minhyun already standing outside, and I see a different bicycle that he always takes. Did he just bought a bicycle?

"You bought it?" He nodded his head. "Ong Seongwoo banned you from using his already? That was fast, considering that you guys are totally besties and you guys even live in the same apartment."

"He convinced me to get a bike on my own, since I am going to bring you to work 3 times a week, it would be better for me to get my own bicycle rather than to use his." I hopped on his bicycle and he started cycling to my workplace which is within distance and I wished that it is much longer so that I get to sit behind him for as long as possible and I get to smell his scent as well, his light body scent and it makes me happy smelling him.

He dropped me off at the entrance and I gave him a kiss on the cheeks before making my way inside the broadcasting station, getting a employee tag from the receptionist and that would give me a free pass to get to any room in the building.

I only got a visitor tag the last time I came here and that was because I was only a special guest and I thought that I would never come here again but in the end, I accepted the offer to be the other radio DJ on the show for one year because the contract for the shoe is one year and it would depend on how popular the show is and they will extend the duration of the contract if there is people tuning into the broadcast.

I would want the broadcast to do well so that I can continue to do the broadcast for as long as possible and we have great reviews as well, the amount of people tuning into the broadcast every night isn't that much but not a lot of people would want to do shows after midnight.

They can't play loud music or have anything that is inappropriate for anyone to do at midnight so Jung SeWoon ssi chose to do his broadcast at midnight because he likes the quietness and it is peaceful doing a broadcast where most of the people are asleep and there isn't any pressure to do anything that would increase the views of people tuning in, he just wants to enjoy the night and I think that it is something that anyone would want to have.

"Welcome back, Yeongwon. How's your day going for you today?" Jung SeWoon ssi asked me as soon as I entered the room, he is reading some lyrics in his book and I leaned a little closer towards it as I sat down next to him. "I write songs in my free time in between the broadcast, I am going to release a album soon and I am kind of rushing it to get it done as soon as possible."

I literally forgot that being a radio DJ is just his side job and he sings for a living, people in this industry just doesn't have a main job and they do everything they can to stay relevant in the industry. "Right, are the songs in the album going to be broadcast here as well?"

He nodded his head. "My songs always get a special mention whenever I release a new song and it is my show, of course I can play any songs that I want as long as it is according to the theme of the show which is indie." He looked at me. "Do you have any songs to recommend so that we have play some new songs that I don't know of."

"I am listening to 'Run With Me' by sunwoojunga, it is lovely to listen to." He nodded his head. "I don't really know a lot of songs so I can't be much of a help."

He waved his hands to object. "No, you are doing a great job for a new radio DJ and you should be focusing on delivering your message with your soothing voice, don't forget that I chose you to come on the show solely because of your voice."

Right, people claimed that I have a soothing voice that people want to listen to and Hwang Minhyun was the first one who said that. "Is your boyfriend here today with you?" He asked me and I nodded my head. "He sure is a supportive boyfriend, isn't he? He was the one who introduced you to me and you would get a chance to appear on my show because even convinced you to be a official DJ. Why don't you reveal your boyfriend through the broadcast later? The viewers would want to know who this amazing person is to you and people would know that you are taken and support you."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now