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"Are you serious? Are you going to pay me more rent from now on?" Ong Seongwoo asked me over and over again and I nodded my head. "My place is not that good to have you paying for the same price as what you would pay for renting a luxury apartment, wouldn't it be better if you would use that money to live somewhere or even move back home?"

I am annoyed at his answer. "You know that I would never go back on my words, that I would move back home to live under the same roof with that bastard who shares the same surname as me."

"He is your father and you are his son, it is just normal that you guys should live together and his second wife has just divorced him, there is no one who is going to pester you." He said.

"My main issue is not with his mistress, she can do whatever she wants to do as long as she doesn't force me to do the things that I don't want to do and I am so glad that she is finally divorcing that old bastard after a decade of marrying him, she should have done that a very long time ago." He looked at me with a disappointed look on his face. "Don't look at me with those eyes, I am kind of relieved that she doesn't have to live with that Hwang bastard anymore, you have no idea how miserable he is as a person."

He sighed. "Then can you at least try to move to some luxury apartment so that you wouldn't have to give me so much money every month? I know that your father has added you back into the family registry and that would mean that you have more shares in the company, you don't have to stay with me anymore because we are not of the same social status anymore. You are like some prince while I am just a normal person who is struggling to pay rent to the landlord every single month, there is a difference between the two of us right now."

"I will pay your rent on your behalf, I can't stand living alone in such a big apartment and it is better living with you. And I need your bicycle to bring Yeongwon to and forth from work, she is now working part-time at the radio station and public transport is not available at midnight." I told him and he looked touched that I decided to abandon living in a huge apartment just to stay with him, I indeed feel scared and lonely alone and a friend would be better for me to live my life as a normal person.

"Buy your bicycle, you have the money to buy one decent one and you even have the budget to buy the ones that they have for competitive cycling." He said to me, the both of us now standing in front of the bicycle store. "Choose one bicycle and get out of there, get it? Don't get tempted by all of the other things in the store and your only focus is buying one bicycle, not coming out of the store with 10 helmets and add-ons that will not even help your bicycle get faster."

"Got it, yowamushi pedal otaku." I nodded my head and we made our way into the store and I chose one decent bicycle that is not eye-catching but it is a bicycle that would help me get to my destination without any problems and I wouldn't have to do maintenance on it very often.

We immediately went for a spin and we cycled to a park and stopped for a moment before we would start on the cycling again. "Why don't you get a car instead? It is safer to get a car than a bicycle and you wouldn't want your girl to be sweating the entire time when you are cycling, I know that Yeongwon is just too thoughtful and not telling you the actual truth." Ong Seongwoo said to me while I was getting a drink at the vending machine.

"I don't need a car right at this moment, I am happy with a bicycle and Yeongwon gets to feel my warmth all the time. You don't get that feeling with a car." I said and he pretended to gag. "I am serious, get a girlfriend and you will know what I mean."

"If you are happy, there is nothing wrong with it." He says and he handed me a drink. "I am treating you because you wished for me to have a girlfriend."

"You have to work hard for it, it doesn't just appear in front of your eyes like that." I sipped on my drink. "I would be a psychic if I would do things like that and I know that it is impossible because nothing ever happens like that in life and it is only in dramas."

We heard a scream from the direction that we saw a girl cycling in that direction, she is cycling a little too fast and she is starting to lose her control over the bicycle and she is about to get injured badly if she doesn't stop in time. Ong Seongwoo who is the closest to her immediately went to get her before she gets injured, he stops her perfectly and she doesn't end up in an accident.

Instead, my friend was the one who got injured and is laying down on the floor right now. "Are you okay?" The girl asks him and tries to wake him up but he doesn't budge at all, it seems that he got injured badly.

"Are you okay, Seongwoo?" I asked him and I looked at his body for any other injuries and he seemed kind of fine, I brought him to the bench but the girl is faster than me, she is already doing it before I even thought of it and she is trying her best to make him feel better. Did I just summon a girl to enter into his life?

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now