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I ate my lunch in sadness, feeling a little sad over the fact that I am having lunch alone in a place like this. Yeongwon left in the middle of our conversation again for the second time and I have no idea why she did that, I don't know how to solve the problem.

I could go apologize to her personally but I don't even know how she looks like, I only know her voice and it is not enough for me to identify her. There are a thousand voices that I hear every day and it is not easy to distinguish from one voice to the other.

Although her voice is beautiful and unique, I would like to know her face as well, how she looked like when she is talking to me. It is so annoying that I don't have a clue about her and she doesn't provide any clues for me either. She is just so mysterious and I have no idea if I were to ever see her again, she sounded pretty upset when she left.

I was thinking that I could go see her if I know where she goes after school, I want to know more about her by the after-school club that she joins but sadly, she doesn't join one and she doesn't want to join any either. Why doesn't she want to socialise with people more?

I shrugged my shoulders not knowing why she wants to shy away from people so much, I know that people, in general, are toxic in their own ways but I still feel rather comfortable with them. I could still stand them getting around me but sometimes they get a little overboard and think they can do anything to you without thinking of your feelings at all, trample all over you and cast you aside after they are done using you.

Not that I have people trampling over me all the time but I hated people disregarding my personal space and thinking that they have the right to meddle in my matters, those people should deserve to be isolated alone and not able to love anyone. That would be best for them.

Yeongwon must be having some problems in school that she couldn't tell anyone about it, she must have faced some kind of discrimination that she has to isolate herself from the others that she had to eat lunch in this big deserted garden that no one goes to, she must have suffered so much that she refrained anyone from seeing her, not even me who is being kind to her and attracted to her voice.

If I were to know her in person, I will make sure that she doesn't get bullied by anyone and she gets to eat lunch in the cafeteria with everyone else and not being forced to have lunch in the school garden. I have to go find her even if I were to only know her voice and not her face, she certainly doesn't deserve any of it at all.

I walked back to the school buildings and I could hear some commotion coming from the female toilets, someone was shouting very loudly and a few others were laughing. There were also a lot of people crowding outside the toilets, all looking very anxious and nerve-wracking. What the hell happened in there?

I saw one of my friends in the crowd and I pulled him out from the masses so that I can ask him without any disruptions. "Jaehwan, what is happening in there?"

"Bro, where the hell have you been to? You missed the first half of the show!" He clearly was enjoying what he is seeing and I am not really happy about it, what is it that is enjoyable to watch? "Our boss, Lee Sol got bumped into the Medusa of our school and she wasn't quite pleased and she decided to give the girl a beating up."

I furrowed my eyebrows over the infamous nickname that he just said. "Bae Yeongwon is in there?"

He nodded excitedly. "Yes, she is so stupid, she walked into their trap and now she has to face the consequences for what she has done, the queen has to eliminate Medusa someday."

She is no Medusa at all, she is a human... I pushed him away and got myself trapped in the crowds, trying to make my way inside the toilets so that I can save Yeongwon. I have heard gruesome stories of how high school girls fight with one another, it is a hundred times scarier and bloody than a boy to boy fight, it would involve long nails and scratch and pull off each other's hair.

I got into the toilet after much pulling and shoving, those people wouldn't stop hovering and wanting to take videoes of this moment when they should be giving a hand to Yeongwon but then again, they too hated Yeongwon as well and they are happy that there is someone who will help them get rid of her once and for all. That is such a sick way of thinking...

What I was imagining was true, they were indeed bullying her, Yeongwon was crouched down on the floor soaked to the bones with a liquid that I wasn't even sure if it's water or something else, her face was also slightly bruised with a little bleeding at the corner of her lips. The bully and her squad were standing high and looking down at Yeongwon with satisfied faces, happy that they got to beat up Yeongwon.

"I thought that you were pretty scary, you had those eyes who turn people to stone but you did nothing just to make people unlucky. And you had to bump into me and make me unlucky as well, I want to be lucky and you ruined all that."

"Stop! Stop what the hell you are doing and let her go!" I yelled and they finally noticed my presence, the bully crossing her arms and looked at me up and down.

"What is a pretty boy like you doing here? You are supposed to be receiving love letters from unknown girls and rejecting them, that's your job. Why are you here doing in a girl's toilet? I didn't know that you are that pervert."

"Let Bae Yeongwon go and I promise that I wouldn't tell any of the teachers, I'm sure that I wouldn't," I told them but she refused to budge, that was too low of a request for her to take. "You guys don't want to be expelled right? So stop whatever you are doing and go out right now."

"Why should we? She is the one who bumped into us, she should be the one getting expelled for having such cursed eyes. She is harming people the first day she stepped in here, making people traumatized because of her, haven't you heard of the guy who got cursed by her and was unlucky for the next 7 years?"

Why are they always talking about this stupid tale that makes no sense at all? "Can you guys stop--"

A louder voice transcends over me and it was a very loud scream. "Can you stop talking about that for once? How many times must I repeat that my eyes are not cursed?" I looked at Bae Yeongwon and she was in tears, she had enough of this and she doesn't want to hear any of this anymore.

"It is genetic and I got it by chance. Do you think that I was happy having two eyes that are not of the same colour? No! Was I happy that I was called a Medusa by you guys? No! That happened from kindergarten till now, I haven't gone through a day without anyone chanting Medusa to my ears! Do you think that I was happy hearing that every single day? No! I was suffering every single day because of you guys and I had to eat lunch alone with myself at the school garden because I was afraid that I might get disturbed even when I am having my lunch! I had enough and I plead that you stop saying of that to me! I am just like you but with two different coloured eyes, I am still human and I am no different from you guys." She stood up, revealing all of the bruises that she got from them earlier. "Sorry, I have to go now." She ran out of the toilet and I couldn't catch her in time due to the crowds that slowed down my speed. But at least I know who that Yeongwon is...

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