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I arrived at the basketball court in my sports attire, looking over at my friends who were already training, throwing consecutive balls into the hoops.

"Minki-yah!" I called for one of them and he turned around, waving back at me.

But that caused a negative reaction to the rest of the people who were at the venue, they stopped what they were doing and stared at me as I made my way to my friends. I bet that the guy from my class has spread the news all around that I stood up for Bae Yeongwon if not one of the people around that time might have heard the conversation earlier.

Minki threw the ball towards me and I caught up without letting it hit my face. "What is with you this morning? Why the hell did you even do that for?"

"What was I doing? I was doing something right, to be frank." I told them and I throw the ball straight through the hoop and it made it through.

"Are you serious? Do you even know what you are doing right now?" Sungwoo asks, intercepting my ball. "Do you even know how much the news has spread around the school? I bet that the principal even knows about it now."

"So what? I am still doing the right thing, I stood up for someone who hasn't have the guts to do it herself. And the rumours aren't right, she doesn't have the powers to turn people into stone."

JaeHwan gasped loudly, still believing the rumours. "Are you serious? She doesn't? But they say that she does, there is a perfect example of someone who has been cursed and he is still in this school."

Ever since the first day I transferred to this school, Kim JaeHwan has been telling me everything about the school, about who is the popular kid in the school, the hottest campus couples and the ridiculous rumours that some people will somehow believe it. And for JaeHwan, he believed everything that they had said about Bae Yeongwon.

"That is just one clumsy bastard which added fuel to the fire, he tripped over and he was near Bae Yeongwon, making people think that the rumours are true and people have been avoiding her all along. I have looked at her in the eyes multiple times and I have not been affected by it at all."

"Not at all? Not even a little?" He repeats.

"Not at all. She is just one of the other humans in the world who are born with a different coloured eye due to birth defects but it doesn't affect anything in her life at all, except for toxic people who try to bring them down for being unique."

They all shut their mouths up due to my statement and I snatched the ball from Minki without him even knowing, I threw it through the hoop and it went in again. I was satisfied that I was able to change their minds a little about their impression of Bae Yeongwon, even if they still didn't talk to her, at least one of them doesn't believe that she is the Medusa in our school.

Training ended like a flash and I was drinking water to hydrate myself, a habit that I always do before I leave school. It is good to always hydrate yourself and to stay healthy, and it is refreshing to drink iced water after a workout.

Everyone has left the basketball court except for the four of us who stayed behind a little to train a little before going back home, we would always play a little game after training had ended. "Do you guys want to have dinner together?" JaeHwan asked, changing his shoes to his iconic Adidas slippers and threw his socks to Minki who looked at him with disgust.
"Not after what you did to me, do you think how smelly your feet are? And my mother has already cooked dinner, it will be bad if I don't eat at home."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Too bad, I was going to treat you guys though."

SungWoo cracked his fingers. "I'm still on for dinner, are you going to bring us to some luxurious restaurant?" JaeHwan shook his head. "You are not the rich kid here." And then they looked at me, I am the rich kid in our squad.

"Don't look at me, I am not going to some restaurant if we smell like this. Why don't we just go to the usual place and have some Kimbap?"

"Ramyeon and Tteokbokki?" SungWoo suggested and the two hi-fived, I guess that we are set for dinner with Kimbap, Tteokbokki and our all-time favourite ramyeon noodles.

We left school to the Korean restaurant that we would always go after training and we said goodbye to Minki who is being a filial child to his beloved mother that he loved too much, there is definitely nothing wrong of being a mummy's boy at this age, at least you know that you have your mother supporting you all the time. I wished that I had this kind of love as well...

We sat down and ate to our heart's content, ignoring how much weight we would gain from eating all of that. We will be losing weight all the time from training so it doesn't really matter how much we eat and tournaments are still a few months away, there is still time for us to eat healthy when the time comes.

We separated ways with each other after we are done with dinner but SungWoo had other plans, he wants me to talk to me and it is not possible with JaeHwan around and he is a chatterbox. "He is gone now so you can speak your mind."

We were from the same middle school and we spent a lot of time together, like really good friends who tell each other everything. "Why did you decide to defend Bae Yeongwon? You aren't that kind of person to ever stand up for anyone."

"I am not but she is special, she reminds me of him," I confessed. "They give off the same vibe and I don't want the same thing to happen to her like what it happened to him."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now