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"How can you start convincing me to go back to school?" She asked me and I smiled to myself and got me thinking for the rest of the day. How the heck can I start doing that?

There is a way and I don't think that she will like the idea, I want to be her first friend that never betrays her no matter what and she doesn't believe that there are people like that in the world, she hasn't met one yet and I am going to be that person.

But how the hell can I start being her friend? When will she consider me as a friend? When will she start opening up her heart to other people in the world? When will she start trusting others?

The thing is it is very easy to make friends, you can have a random conversation with someone in the subway and you can become friends with that person by the time you get off your stop, you can also make friends with someone who is your next-door neighbour and you will only meet that person when you get out of the house and you will become friends with that person. But it depends if that person has the same intention as you and not becoming friends with you because of a hidden agenda and would use that against you after she is done getting what she wanted from you.

And true friends don't come easily, it depends on luck and it is in a 1 in a million chance when you will meet one. I have a few friends but I haven't found the courage to tell them about my sad past as I am afraid that they might leave and use this secret to blackmail me when I leave them, I'm sure that they are my true friends but I try not to believe so because I am afraid of disappointing.

Out of the three that I always talk to, I have only been comfortable with Sungwoo who has been my only friend in middle school and had been there for me when my parents were going through a divorce and then when my father remarried his current wife and past mistress that caused this marriage to break up. He understands me and has been there with me for the ups and downs of my life, I am even willing to sacrifice my life for him but for the others, I am not ready to trust them with my life just yet. Maybe later and for Bae Yeongwon as well who is the Cha Hoon of my life now, she just reminded me so much about him.

She, too is too pure for this world, she is kind towards her family, gets good grades for school and she gets praised by all the teachers that have taught her but yet she is still getting bullied in school and she tells no one who she is really feeling except for herself and she keeps in her little world, never to be told to anyone until the day where she would give up on herself.

I'm glad that I was just in time to stop her from harming herself once again, I may not be there to stop her from harming herself the first time but I will make sure that today will be the last time that she will ever hold a penknife against her wrist. I will make sure that she doesn't try to harm herself again, this is not the way to solve her problems and she is not going to run away from her problems ever again, I am going to find a way to make her happy without any self-harming.

"You're here again, Hyung." Her younger brother greets me after opening the door for me to enter their apartment.

"I'm not going in, I'm wondering if I could bring your older sister outside for a walk?" I told him and he gave me a weird look on his face.

"Is it a date?" My face immediately turns red and I coughed. Why would he think that I-- I wouldn't have something for his older sister, we are just friends for goodness sake...

"We are just friends and friends go for walks around the park just for fun when they have nothing to do." I corrected him.

"Which is what some couples do sometimes when they don't have anything to do." He looked down at what I am holding onto. "Is that a gift that I am seeing? Are you giving that to my older sister?"

I coughed again. "What are you even watching on the internet? What makes you think that a guy ends up on the doorstep where a girl stays at and asks for her younger brother if she is at home, that makes you think that I am asking her out for a date?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, that is how all the K-dramas portray a man trying to win a woman's heart and you are doing just that." I saw Bae Yeongwon walking up behind her younger brother. "What are you doing here again?"

"To convince you to go back to school with me?" I told her, that was honestly the only thing that is on my mind.

"You finally thought of a solution? Well, good for you but I have no interest to even hear that." I thought that she was starting to open her heart up the last time we met but I guess it takes time for everyone to take that first step. "Bae JinYoung, I told you many times not to open the door to strangers and here you are talking to some weird man."

"He isn't a weird man, he is here to ask you for a walk around the park, he is asking you for a date."

"I told you that it wasn't a date, it is more like a get-to-know-each-other -better session. I see that you are on the weird side of the internet for far too long that you are spouting nonsense like that."

"So, what do you say?" He asks her older sister who gave a shrug and told him to shut the door in my face but again, I was a little faster than him and jammed my foot in the opening just in time before he could close the door. "I told you that you will lose your foot if you keep on doing that."

"Fine, it is a date. Is that enough?" I shouted a final confession that made the two stunned and Bae JinYoung breaks the silence by dragging his older sister back to her bedroom for her to take a shower and dolling herself up so that she can go on a date with me which somehow became like that.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now