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Over the past week, after I have done the mini broadcast in the café, I have been wanting to do it again although I am also very nervous about appearing on a professional radio setting where my voice could be heard nationwide. I have no idea if I should accept the offer that the DJ Jung Sewoon gave me or not. He wants me to appear on his show as a special guest DJ and it is a great deal to appear on any radio show as a special guest DJ, I have to be good enough to be able to appear on such a radio show and it is even the radio show that I have been tuning into very often when I couldn't sleep well.

Could he laugh at me if I mess up my lines? He might sound like someone who is always kind and patient with everyone but it is not the same once you go off-air and people can be harsh and direct when they are not talking to a lot of people, I wonder if Jung Sewoon is that kind of a person. But he sounded quite nice when he approached me that day and he seemed sincere to want me to appear on his radio DJ.

The timing is a bit of an issue and I would have to seek permission from my father to inform that I will be home after midnight because I will be doing a radio show, he might not even allow me to do that. He is a little strict when it comes to things like this and I always found it difficult to ask him things like this, I don't know what his response will be and it is so nerve-wracking for me.

I heard a knock on my door and it was my younger brother, he just came home from school due to his after-school activities with his club. "Noona, there are fruits at the dining table. Do you want to eat it?" He asked me.

"I will be downstairs soon," I told him and I took a deep breath before getting out of my bed and getting out of the room, it is the perfect opportunity to ask my father because everyone is around and they will either support me or oppose to that idea, asking them is the only way to find out.

My parents were downstairs eating the fruits that were sliced nicely and they were watching the TV at the same time. "Yeongwon, I am glad that you made it downstairs before we finished all of it."

I took a slice of one apple and I took a bite of it before glancing over at my parents and back at the apple, I don't know if I should take another bite before asking them the question. "What do you want to ask us? Is it something important?" My mother looked at me and I was shocked, how did she even know that I wanted to tell them something important?

I nodded slowly while looking at the both of them and I exhaled. "You know that I have always had an interest in doing radio and I sort of wanted to be a radio DJ in the future, I told you guys about that right?" They nodded and they gave me the green light to continue. "I have been approached by Jung Sewoon who is a DJ to appear on his radio show as a special guest DJ, his show is usually broadcast at midnight and that means that I would be outside at midnight if I am doing the broadcast. It is an onetime thing and that kind of opportunity will not come that easily the next time around, I am asking for permission to allow me to do the radio show this Sunday?"

I looked at their faces and they weren't looking too happy about it, I just know that they wouldn't approve of me doing this sort of thing, they are foreign to the concept of doing radio shows when I am still technically a high schooler and they wouldn't agree to it that easily. I waited for a few seconds before opening my mouth. "Alright, it is a no then--" My father cut me off. "Are you going to go there on your own? It can be a little dangerous for a girl like you to be outside at such a timing."

"My classmate Minhyun will be there to pick me up back and forth and you guys know him quite well, he is that guy who came to our house before," I told my father. "Does that mean that it is a yes from you?" He nodded and I looked towards my mother who smiled a little. "Thank you for allowing me to do this, you can't believe how happy I am right now."

"Go do that radio show, it suits you to a T and you were meant to be a DJ in the first place. I remember that you would always speak to yourself in the middle of the night and I have always thought that you were a great speaker, but now you are pursuing that dream. Your father and I will be tuning in to the broadcast and we will be cheering for you."

I suddenly feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I could cry right now. "Thank you, Omma and Appa... I really--" I heard footsteps coming towards us and it was Bae JinYoung with a towel draped on his head. "What are you talking about? Why do you look like you are going to cry at any moment? What did I even miss?"

"Your older sister is going to appear on Jung Sewoon's radio show this Sunday as a special guest DJ, we agreed for her to do that and her classmate Hwang Minhyun is picking her up back and forth from here and the broadcasting station." My father summarized the entire talk into one sentence. "We are going to have our very own radio DJ very soon."

"Seriously? That's so great, Yeongwon Noona! You can start a radio DJ called 'Forever listening to you', it is a pun based on your name." My younger brother looked at me. "Now that I have fully understood the situation that we are in right now, you are free to cry."

I slapped his shoulder. "I don't even have the mood to do that anymore, Mr Bae JinYoung. You just know how to ruin the mood, just go back to studying when you are done eating all the fruits."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now