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Being a radio DJ host is something that I have not expected myself to be doing and I used to have no goals or ambition to do anything that I would want to do. I was busy trying to hide from the others and wanting to stay invisible so that they would stop bothering me and I would have a moment of peace.

I even had the plan to stay at home and get a job that doesn't involve me going out all the time and there are a lot of jobs that I can do and still earn money while staying at home, there is the professional gamer line but I have no interest in games and my parents would yell at me for not having a real job. I could become a Mukbang show host but I don't really have a huge appetite and once again, my parents would kick me out of the house for appearing on videos and telling people that I eat like a pig to get views.

I love staying at home but all I do is to stare into peace and read a few books to myself and allow myself to have some kind of a simulation and I would usually talk to myself quite a lot, especially in school where I would hide in the school garden and have my lunch there while telling things that I already know to my self.

I thought that no one would know this but a certain Hwang Minhyun decided to invade my privacy one day and reveal to me that he has been listening to all the nonsense that I have said and he likes my voice and he said that it is a shame that no one in school wants to talk to me.

They are way more invested in the part that I looked different from them and I looked like a monster more than anything else, no one else ever gives a damn about anything else except for that and I knew that it is going to be my fate of being treated like a monster my entire life but Hwang Minhyun was the first one who didn't make fun of my looks and tells me that my eyes are too beautiful to be called a monster and they are all blind for seeing me as a monster and not one of their classmates.

Eventually, he tells me that I have a talent for radio hosting and he wanted to try out being a radio DJ, he created so many chances for me to be discovered, he even brought me to the cafe and have me host my radio broadcast without a huge audience and that caught an eye of someone who is also hosting a midnight radio show and he is looking for someone who could be his special DJ for one night and I became his special guest.

I have never expected myself to love speaking to an audience so much until I put on those headphones and spoke about everything in my life, and I decided to continue hosting the show with Jung Sewoon who is also known as the person who gave me the chance of appearing on his show. And it is all thanks to my boyfriend Hwang Minhyun who made me realise that I could have a life of my own as well.

I stood outside his place with a bike next to me and I called him on the phone. "Are you coming out soon? I am here already." I asked him and he came out after a minute, dressed in a blazer and he doesn't look very comfortable wearing all of that and he looked at me.

"Do I look alright?" He asked me. "Do you think that it would impress everyone there?"

Minhyun is starting his first day at his father's company as an intern, he refused to work for his father many times because he doesn't have the desire to be the next CEO and he doesn't have a good relationship with his father as well. If I have to use a better word, it would be he disapproves of his father's actions even though he shouldn't be and he would do anything rather be working for him in his company.

His family situation is a little complicated and he doesn't want to talk about it, he hasn't told me everything about his life but I know that his mother passed away to an illness and his father remarried a year later with the woman who was his mistress and he has been fooling around with her for many years even before his mother passed away, he was just waiting for the opportunity to marry his mistress at the right timing that it wouldn't look like he had an affair and it is true that his father is not good at being committed to a relationship.

His stepmother just recently filed for a divorce with his father after 10 years of marriage and no one has an idea why but that was the main reason why Minhyun had to make his decision to take over the company because Minhyun has more shares in the company now that his stepmother is not involved in the company anymore, he didn't want to take over his father's company and he would do anything else than to become like his father.

But I was the one who encouraged him to just take the offer, it would be a great opportunity for him and he would have such a great future, he doesn't have to suffer at all because he is good at his job and all his employees would respect him for being a different person than his father. There is no reason for him to reject his father at all, and I am glad that I convinced him to start from the bottom and learn the roles before he is ready to take a managerial job position.

"You look like a future CEO, I can see it very well and you are going to be the coolest CEO ever," I said to him, putting up both thumbs.

He smirked, he is liking the compliment. "And you are going to pick up the future CEO on a bike?"

"Who says that a CEO can't ride a bicycle while going to work? You picked me back and forth from work with your bicycle and I have the right to do the same as well." I smiled at him. "Let's get to work, Hwang Minhyun!"

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now