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Whatever I did earlier doesn't make me regret my actions at all, instead, it made me feel more confident as I have never done such a rebellious stunt before, not even once in my life have I tried to beat up someone by impulse and get sent to the principal's office. And I didn't try to deny that I beat up Ha Sungwoon when I was being questioned by the principal who is also my maternal uncle, I fully admitted that I had the intention to beat up Ha Sungwoon and it is for a very good reason.

I had enough of having people thinking that they have the right to bully someone and get away from it like it is just a joke and it is nothing much, it is not a joke and bullying affects someone mentally and emotionally. Just because the bully doesn't feel the feelings that the victim has, it doesn't mean that they aren't hurting from it, some of it is visible and it is easy to spot while mental injury is not easy to cure at all, only someone who had experienced bullying before would know exactly how the other person feels.

And I don't want Bae Yeongwon to deal with that problem anymore, I want her to be able to attend the school like any other person who isn't being bullied, I want her to experience the world of no bullying and no one talks bad about her even though she clearly didn't do anything wrong. And I am helping her by dealing with her bullies with my fists and I want them to know that there is someone who is willing to help Bae Yeongwon to get out of that vicious cycle and that person is me.

I am willing to go till the end just to make sure that Bae Yeongwon doesn't get bullied for the rest of the school year and hopefully in college as well, I just want to make sure that she doesn't get hurt by them anymore. I entered the apartment that one of my father had owned and there was someone in there, someone that I don't even want to see right now.

I have no idea why is she so interested in my life and why does she want to control me so much but she is always there, pretending to be the mother figure of the family when she doesn't even have any blood relation to me. "Why are you here for?" I asked her as she turned around to face me.

"To check up on you, of course. You were living on your own for the past week and I am worried that you might not have been taking very good care of yourself." She paused as she takes a longer look at me, she had noticed the bruises and cuts on my face. "What happened to your face? Did you get into a fight in school? I thought that I told you--"

"Who are you to even tell me to do that?" I snapped at her. "You are not my birth mother but yet you are always yapping away about wanting to take care of me when I am not even your son, you are just doing that just to get onto my father's good side. Am I right about that?"

"Hwang Minhyun!" I heard that familiar booming voice and it is really my father, he came out of one of of the rooms. "What did you even say to your mother? She is just worried about you."

"Worried about what? She is just behaving like this because you are here, she wants you to see her as the caring and thoughtful woman who knows how to take care of your own son."

He slapped me and it is a very tight slap, it felt like my jaw is going to fall apart. "How dare you say that about your mother? You have become so rebellious in the past few years that you started to not come home for dinner and stir up trouble here and there, I didn't even know that you are staying here until your mother told me last night. I can't believe that you would rather stay somewhere else than to stay with me and your mother."

"For what? Will I be happy living with you and that woman? My life is miserable enough not having my birth mother with me and my father marrying a vixen to take care of his own son, I have no reason to be staying there at all. If I could, I would even move out of that place entirely and cut off ties with the both of you." I growled at him. "I'm serious about that."

He looked really mad and that is what I wanted to see from him, I want him to see that I am a disappointment to him and he will get rid of me, in that way, I would finally gain independence and not depend on him or that woman for a roof over my head.

He exhaled angrily as he looked at me. "That is what you wanted right? A place that you truly own and you want nothing to do with me and your mother, then move out of this place as well. This place is owned by me and you have to move out of here to make sense." He pointed his finger towards the door. "If you are really determined to live my life without my help, then go ahead with your huge plan. Don't come back begging for me to forgive you, you know that I won't."

Finally, he said it, I don't know exactly how happy I am to hear it from him but it made me so relieved that he has the same thoughts as me. "Well, thanks for the offer because you know that I wouldn't do that." I got into my bedroom to pack my stuff and that woman came to stop me from taking my stuff. "Getaway, you woman!"

"Minhyun! Don't go, apologize to your father right now and he will forgive you right away. He has a soft heart no matter what he said to you earlier, it means nothing but love." She held onto my hands. "I know that you are angry at me and your father, it is me that should go to this family and you should stay because you are his son after all."

I yanked her hands off. "Now you are going down the sympathy route? Very well, continue to do that and gain sympathy from my father. Don't ever try to come to find me, I will call on the police on you for breaking my family apart. You are the reason why my mother died." I left the room after hastily packing all of the things that I have and I left the house, with the fuming Mr Hwang just staring at me angrily without saying a word.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now