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"Your partner would be Bae Yeongwon, the one sitting alone." The teacher pointed a finger to the one girl who is sitting at the back of the class all by herself, she kept her head down so I couldn't see her face clearly.

"Got it?" The teacher asked me and I nodded, making my way towards the one student whose name is eerily similar to someone that I have been chatting with these days, the girl by the name Yeongwon.

The students around me were making all those weird noises that I can't decipher, I don't get why they are doing that for. I would usually pay no attention to anyone in the class so I don't know their faces well or know their names, but this doesn't apply to the boys that I made friends in the basketball team. Other than them, I know no one in the school.

I pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, she still doing the same action as earlier, keeping her head down. Is she not feeling well?

"Nice to meet you, I'm MinHyun, well you know the new transfer student a few months ago." I introduced myself to her once again in case she didn't know who I am.

"Yes, I know you." Her soft voice was the complete opposite from the Yeongwon that I know of, she sounded so much confidence and she is proud of her own voice but not this Yeongwon. I guess that it is not her then...

I laughed. "Of course you know me, who wouldn't? Sorry." I apologized. "I'm sounding a little proud, I should tone down a little. This happens to me when I meet someone for the first time and especially if I liked the person from the first time that I see the person." I immediately shut up after realizing how wrong it sounded, not the sexual way but the way that it would make her get misunderstood.

"Yes..." She replied.

"So ask me any questions, don't try to hold it back. I realize that you are quieter than I expected you to be." I looked closer to her and I could see pink under her cheeks. She's cute...

"Do you believe... that I am evil and could curse you?" I raised an eyebrow at her question, not understanding her question.

She is Bae Yeongwon, right? Yeongwon, YeongWon... I kept chanting her name in my mind hoping to get something out.

My eyes doubled in size. "You are..."

"Yep, that Bae Yeongwon, that cursed one." She said dejectedly. "The one everyone wants to avoid, at first sight, that's why nobody wanted to pair up with me."

Although I have not been in this school for a very long time, there is a lot of inside jokes and rumours that are circulating around the school, both good and bad. I normally wouldn't give a damn about those rumours because they are well, fake, something that doesn't give any evidence that it is a fact.

And out of all those rumours, there is one rumour that is always at the top ranking. It is about one particular female student who is in her second year and ever since she got into this school, she has been the hot topic of supposedly having the supernatural ability to turn people to stone and cursing them 7 years of bad luck.

I gasped. So it is her? "I don't really care about the rumour but I really don't get why you have that nickname."

"Then do you believe it?" I shook my head. She let out a deep sigh. "Don't freak out." She faced me and looked up at me.

Her face is beautiful at first glance, a one of a kind beauty and then I looked at her eyes. They were two different colours, one eye is blue while the other is a dark brown, something that most people wouldn't have. I heard of the eye condition before, it is very rare and I heard that only less than 2% of the population has that condition.

I wanted to tear away from the eye contact but I unknowingly got sucked into staring into her eyes, I don't know why. Her eyes are the most beautiful thing in the world, it is a very unique facial feature and I don't think anyone would think of it as a curse but it is according to the other students in this school.

"Your eyes..." I gulped down my saliva. "They are really beautiful, I don't know why the other students are so afraid of you."

"You think so?" I nodded eagerly. "It is a curse to me, no one else in my family has this condition."

"That's why it is very unique." I blurted. "I like it a lot."

She continued to blush. "Can you stop staring at me? We have to do a project."

I blinked. "Right, we have to do that." But I would rather get drowned in her eyes more than anything else... "What do we have to do? I have no idea at all."

She chuckled. "Basically we have to do a presentation on any particular country anywhere and it has to be done by this week. We can choose whatever country that we want to research on."

I leaned on my desk. "What country do you have in mind?" I don't know why I am behaving like this in front that I have only talked today, I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.

"Maybe somewhere in Southeast Asia? Most of the students would choose some generic country like America or the UK."

"Or our country," I suggested.

"Exactly!" She exclaimed excitedly and I chuckled at her cuteness. How can someone be so cute like this? "Sorry."

I blinked. "Why are you apologizing for?"

"No, it is just... I'm afraid that you might not like it if I act like that." She confessed. "No one in the class would like me being like this, they want me to continue to be the cursed one."

"Bae Yeongwon, have you been like this for a long time?" I asked, making her stop blabbering on. "Why are you doing this to yourself? It is okay to be happy, it is okay to laugh. No one will judge."


"They are just jealous of how beautiful, how unique you are that they can't ever be." I immediately regretted what the hell I had just said and then looked at the person that I was facing. Her eyes were gleaming and she was about to cry.


"Sorry, I need to go to the toilet this instant." She got up and ran to the toilet after getting permission from the teacher.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now