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I waited at the car porch, Bae Yeongwon didn't allow me to be in her house and Bae JinYoung has shut the door in my face after dragging his older sister up to her bedroom and I have no idea what he is trying to do to his older sister but I'm surprised that he could go against her so many times and she doesn't want to kill him off. But given her personality, she wouldn't do that because she is usually a very kind person who wouldn't even bring herself to kill a cockroach, there was no reason for her to do that. 

She is just putting up a strong stance to hide her weak self that only I know about it, she wants people to not worry about her so that she can continue to hide her true self and this is killing her slowly and she doesn't realize that doing that is harming herself and she is not going to benefit from it at all.

If she is not going to open up her heart to anyone, it is going to harm her and I am going to do whatever it takes to save her from her misery. I just don't want history to repeat itself once again and I am going to lose a precious friend, we may have only met each other for less than a month but it felt like we have known each other for a long time. If I hadn't chanced upon the school garden and met her there, we wouldn't have those little conversations without seeing each other's face and me slowly falling in love with her magical voice, I'm glad that I had met her like this.

I hear a slight opening of the door and Bae Yeongwon was at the doorstep in a dress that I have never seen her in and then I realized that it is the first time that we have ever met outside of school, she does look lovely in that dress that she is wearing, it surely brightens her face and her flustered expression meets my eyes and I looked away for a second. "Have you had enough of staring at me?"

I could feel my heart beating non-stop and I muttered to myself. Calm down my fragile little heart, stop beating so fast or she will hear it too... I cleared my throat. "Shall we go?" I asked her and she nodded, getting out of the house before she gets called back by her younger brother.

"Noona! You forgot this!" He handed her a purse, a holographic coloured purse where she slung it across her body. "Enjoy your wonderful date, I will be waiting for you to be home."

That comment has done nothing but worse, all those feelings from before have come back to me and it is twice as frustrating as before. I feel my cheeks heating up and I have no idea why, I don't even like her and she is just a friend, someone I cherish a lot I fear of me being that ignorant friend ever again.

"Hwang Minhyun, are you okay?" She suddenly came in front of me and I screamed out of nowhere, scaring everyone who is surrounding us and Bae Yeongwon herself. Why did I even do that? I am such an idiot...

"What the hell? You scared me!" She rolled her eyes and she crossed her arms. "Are you always such a timid person?"

I cleared my throat. "No?! Why would I be? I am such a brave person, I am not easily scared by anything, I was just thinking hard about something."

"Oh really?" She walked beside me at a steady pace as we walked around the park-like what I had wanted, just a stroll in the park and she would go home. "Are you planning to convince me back to school? Because I don't think that taking a walk with the park is going to do anything to me, I know that I have not been outside for many days as I have been cooped up in my room, refusing to get out of my room."

"But I did something right? You are out of your room now and you are taking a stroll next to me in the park which you will never do, that already steps one of my plans."

She laughed and I looked at her with confusion. "Bullshit, I only agreed to it because my younger brother is so persistent with it and he insisted that I go with a date with you or he is not going to eat for the rest of his life. I know that he is just kidding and his whining is really annoying, it will give you nightmares and so I had no choice but to agree. If not, I would have to listen to him whine for the rest of his life."

"He doesn't look like the type to ever whine about something like that," I replied to her long comment about her younger brother, it is good seeing her being talkative to me for such a thing, she wouldn't even want to make a conversation if we were to still be in school. I have made a great choice of going to her house, if I hadn't done that, we wouldn't have progressed to this stage as friends.

"You are just saying that because you haven't known him enough to know his true colours, try living with him for 15 years and you will get sick of him the moment you walk past his bedroom to go down the stairs every single day."

I smiled. "Well, I would like to have a younger brother to know how you feel." She raised an eyebrow. "I don't have a younger brother, I am the only child in the family."

"Don't wish for that, you will regret it for the rest of your life." She told me. "I shouldn't have pleaded my mother that I wanted a younger brother to play with me, he steals all of my food and arranges all of my clothing like a pervert."

"At least you have someone to bother you who is related to you, I have an evil stepmother who only knows to bother me all the time while my own father is busy at work." I immediately shut myself up as I realized that I had spoken too much about my dull and boring life and it wouldn't be good to let her know about it since no one in school knows that my parents are divorced and my father remarried his mistress in less than a year.

I looked up at the sky and noticed that it is a little grey. "We should get going, it is going to rain and I have not brought along an umbrella."

"You're right, there is this bookstore that you would like." I looked at her, not knowing what she meant. "I thought that you still wanted to convince me."

"I think that I have convinced you enough to make you go back to school with me, it is all for today. I see you on Monday." I bowed down slightly and I ran away as quickly as I can before she could see me in tears, seeing the rain makes me sad for some reason and it reminds me of my mother, it rained heavily on the day when she left the family for a better future and she left me with my father.

I don't like rain, I actually hate the rain... A lot...

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now