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I laid down in bed, looking up at the ceiling and Hwang Minhyun's face appears, it still felt like a dream and it has come true for me. Not many people would have a crush that falls for them as well so I consider myself to be lucky in this, Hwang Minhyun same way as me and he wants to go out with me and be my boyfriend.

We even shared the most romantic kiss in the world, it is my first kiss but it felt as if fireworks were exploding around the both of us, it is like how they exactly portrayed it in the dramas that I have watched and it came out great as well. After that kiss, we went to the movies and we had a great time watching the movie, I had a good time just staring at his face and then towards his lips, I want to kiss him again but I will be so embarrassed to do that again.

And he sent me home after the movies and he waves at me as I made my way into the house, it still feels like a dream and I should slap myself to make sure that I am in some dreamland and everything that happened earlier was real and I wasn't imagining things at all. I yelled after that one slap that I gave myself and I let out a smile, so everything wasn't a dream and it was a hundred per cent real, Hwang Minhyun and I are officially dating each other and we are a couple now.

The word couple just makes me so embarrassed and I had to kick the bedsheets to get rid of the embarrassment in my body, it is a word that I have never thought that I would use it on myself but it is a fact that we are a couple now. I looked over at my phone and I noticed that he hasn't sent me a message telling me that he has reached home and I stared long and hard waiting for him to reply but he calls me instead, I nearly dropped my phone in shock but I caught it in time before it would drop down to the floor and the phone screen would shatter into pieces.

I held the phone in my hand, calming myself down so that I will be able to take the call in my cool mode. "Hello? Are you home already?"

"I just reached home, and you are stealing my question. I am supposed to be the one who is asking you if you are home already." He said.

"But you saw me enter my house and you left after that, Mr Hwang," I told him, laying down on the bed feeling relieved that he has made his way back home without any issues. "Did Ong Seongwoo find out about the two of us already?"

"He did, well he forced me to but he knows that we are dating and he was excited about it. The neighbours almost complained about the noise that he was generating, I had to make him silent but yeah, he was happy about it."

It is a long story but he is currently not staying with his father because of something that Hwang Minhyun didn't tell me about and he had to rent a room from Ong Seongwoo who had a vacant room in his apartment and he wanted to earn some extra money other than his part-time job at the nearby café, Hwang Minhyun was his perfect choice and they have been living together for quite a while.

And I am glad that he is living with someone, there will be someone around to take care of him if I am unable to do that and Ong Seongwoo is the chosen one and I approve of him.

"Have you told anyone about us?" He said after a few seconds of silence.

It is my first time liking someone or dating someone so I am so embarrassed about it, I pretended that nothing ever happened and I ate dinner with my family without looking like I am attached to someone, and I immediately went up to my room after I am done with dinner so I didn't have a chance to speak to my parents about it. It might be the perfect age for me to start finding love but to my father, it is still a bit too early for me and he doesn't want me to get hurt from all of those irresponsible guys who do nothing but break my heart.

I am afraid that he might ground me if he finds out that I am dating someone, it doesn't matter if who is the person and Minhyun had met my father a few times but that doesn't matter when it comes to my future partner, every guy is trash according to my father and he needs to approve of it before he would give his approval for me to be together with Minhyun.

"Nope, I avoided talking to any of them and I kept myself in my room the whole time," I told him the truth, it is not good to lie about it.

"Not even Bae JinYoung?" He mentioned my younger brother and I said no. "But he likes me, he called me hyung."

"It is because you are my classmate and you are older than him, he only did that because it would be disrespectful if he didn't," I said. "My parents might have allowed you to be my friend but the boyfriend thing is a different thing and they might not be willing to give me to you."

"I get what you mean, you don't have many friends in the first place and they are afraid that I might break your heart but don't worry, I will not do that. I will treat you like a diamond and make sure that you don't become dull. You do know how you are very special to me right? There is only one Bae Yeongwon in this world and that person is you." That made me cringe badly, it must have taken him a lot of guts to say that to me but I loved that and I want to hear more of that from now on.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now