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Bae Yeongwon still seemed very hesitant over the suggestion that I just gave her, she would be able to go out in the public and have fun just like any other high school student in this country but she doesn't seem that interested in taking the offer. I know that she hasn't been able to go out in the public ever since she bullied by her classmates a few weeks ago and she basically only went to school and back home every day.

It is not that I want to torture her or to test her that she can adapt to the surroundings around her if I threw her in a crowded place, I just wanted her to have fun and she usually doesn't have fun. Because she is afraid of people, she has only gone to school and back to her home because she is comfortable being only with her family members and that hinders her from exploring the world.

There is a lot of the world that she hasn't explored and I want her to know more about the world when she still has the time to do so, you wouldn't have the time to hang out and explore new places when you are a working adult. There isn't much time for you to do anything fun than to make money and more money so that you wouldn't starve and have to live on instant noodles before the next paycheck comes in.

High school is a time where we are allowed to do all the things that we want and no one will judge us for it and simply label us as teenagers who wants to know more about the world and they are free to do anything they want.

"Are you still unwilling to hang out with me? I am sure that it would be a good idea and no one will judge you for who you are when you are outside." I told her. "And this is probably the only time that I would actually ask you to have fun with me, examinations are next week and we wouldn't have the time to play around anymore. So, pretty please?"

She still looks hesitant and I know that she just needed that one push to make everything happen so I grabbed her wrist and I ran off, with her following me behind closely and yelling at the top of her lungs telling me that I should let go of her hand but I refuse to because I know that I wouldn't have the chance to do it again if I let go of her hand right now.

I didn't let go of her wrist even when we are waiting for the traffic lights and there weren't many cars and so I managed to run quite a bit of distance until we reached our destination, the place that I want to bring her today. It was at a shopping district and it is one of the most crowded places in the city, everywhere you go is filled with people and you would have to squeeze your way through.

The reason why I wanted to bring her here is that that I want to let her experience the feeling of people not judging you for your looks and they would think that your style is amazing instead, it is the one place that makes everyone happy somehow because there is little to no toxicity here. I have been here a few times and I would come here when I am feeling down and I would be instantly happier once I leave the place, it is a kind of happy place for someone like me who doesn't have a happy home to go back to.

I finally let go of her when we are in a quiet café, it is located in an alley where there isn't a lot of people around and not a lot of people ever realizes that there are a café and a lot of other stores as well. It is the one place that I always go to study when I don't have basketball practice, it helps me to focus better when there is not a lot of people around and they serve great coffee as well.

"Here we are at Café Hyung, one of the best places in the world!" I introduced Bae Yeongwon to the café and she stood still, just looking at the decorations and the furniture in here. It is decorated like a vintage café in the 80s and I loved the vibe in there, it makes you feel so much like home and it is so homely and comforting at the same time.

It seems that she likes it because she is so fixated on everything that she hasn't tried to hit me for holding her wrist without any consent. "Are you alright?"

"It is amazing, how did you even discover this café?" She asked me and her eyes are glistening, it is one of the first times that she is actually happy about something and I am glad that she is able to be happy without forcing her to be.

"I was bored after school one day and I stumbled upon this café while walking around aimlessly and I entered the café, it became one of my favourite places in the world and I come here every time when I have nothing to do after home," I told her. "Do you really like this place?"

She nodded her head and she looked really adorable. "Of course, I loved vintage places like this, they make me feel like I have travelled back in time and I am in the right place. Thank you for bringing me here."

I scoffed, pretending not to take in the compliment. "I thought that you didn't want to come here and now you are thanking me for bringing you here? You are such a weird person, I swear." I looked towards the empty radio booth and I nudged her. "This café has a radio booth where they have someone to man the booth and it operates as a legitimate radio station but it seems to be empty today, do you want to give it a try?"

"Can I?" I was expecting her to be a little hesitant at this as well but she readily agreed to it, I guess that her passions rule out her personality and she can't deny how much she loves to do radio. It is considered her hidden talent but not a lot of people know about it, and I want more people to know about it.

"I'll ask the owner for you but I am sure that he will allow because he is giving the chance to a future world-famous radio DJ, he will not be able to refuse the offer at all," I smirked before going off to the owner who is behind the counter.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now