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"I am so sorry but I am not going to do it this time," I told the guy after a long minute of thinking.

It is that guy from the radio station the other time and it turns out that that show received a lot of attention for having me as a guest speaker and they want me back there not as a guest speaker, but as a full-time radio DJ alongside Jung Sewoon, the DJ of the show itself. I was just doing that because he gave me a chance and I took it, coming onto his show as a guest speaker and I was contented with whatever I did that day.

It is an eyeopener and I would have to do it sometime in the future but not now, my priority is to be a student to get good grades and get into the university that I wanted, the DJ is not on top of my list right now and it doesn't have to mean that I should do it because I have the talent for it.

"I beg you, you were great on the show the other time. All the fans love you so much and they would like to hear you again, if you can come onto the show and be the other DJ of the show, it would be a win-win situation for the two of us and you would get to earn some pocket money as well." He said to me.

I let out a huge sigh. "I know that you are giving me a huge offer but I don't know if I would be offending you for being an amateur and I can't be your partner DJ."

"Is there a reason why?" He asked me and I began listing down the reasons, including the part that I would want to focus on my studies instead and there is one more reason that I am extremely worried about if I were to accept his offer. "You are afraid that your boyfriend might not be able to fall asleep and he would be there to pick you up from work every single night? That is such a cute thing for a boyfriend to do, how long have you guys been dating anyways?"

"It is like that, I have been told that I have a very charming voice and your fans say that about me as well and my boyfriend would be so protective of me. If he were to be a university student, I wouldn't mind if he would pick me up because he would be able to own a car but he doesn't have a drivers' license yet, he is also a high school student. And if he spends all of his time picking me up from work, he will not be able to focus on his studies and he says that he is going to take over his father's company in the future so he needs to have the best environment to study hard to get into university." I told the DJ, and he kept his silence for a while.

"Is that what you are worried about?" He said and I would about to smack him in the head, except that he is not a meter away from me.

"You told me to list down the reasons and I have given you all the reasons to why I would reject your offer, and I would be glad that you will not pester me ever again. I will continue to listen to your shows and give you my support as a fan." I told him.

"Would you mind asking your boyfriend about it before you make your final decision? I feel like you are going to miss out on your biggest opportunity to pursue your dreams if you don't do this and I would want you to be my partner DJ no matter what, there is no one better than you." And he hung up.

I let out a huge sigh of relief, it is a good thing for me to kick-start my career way before I graduate from high school but more things are way more important things than being a radio DJ at the age of 19. My parents would be happy if I tell them about the offer but they will tell me to think twice about it, and if I tell them that I would be paid according to how well I work, they will not hesitate to send me there without any questions.

"Who were you on the phone call with? You had a very long phone call, is it from your parents?" Hwang Minhyun appears from nowhere and he leaned closer to see my phone. "Who was the one who called you?"

I could just pretend that it was from my parents but it is not good to lie, and Hwang Minhyun doesn't like people lying to him and our relationship has been like that, we tell everything to each other and we don't hide anything from one another.

"You remember the guy who approached me to do that radio show 2 weeks ago? He asked me if I want to be on his show permanently and I am planning to reject his offer."

"Why would you even think of rejecting his offer? He is choosing someone who he picked up from the streets, he is really lucky to have you as a DJ. Don't reject him, accept his offer." Of course, he would want me to accept the offer.

"That would mean that I would be up all night and it would be very hard for me to juggle between work and school, I suck at multitasking so I am not going to do that." He didn't like my answer.

"Why worry about that? It is your biggest dream to be a radio DJ and the opportunity is knocking on your door, begging you to take it so take it before it goes to someone who is not as talented as you, it would be too late for you to regret it by then." He said to me. "If you are going to reject him, try your hardest to get to the top. I know that you can do it no matter what."

I hugged him. "And you are going to borrow Ong Seongwoo's bicycle every single time you pick me up from work? You would have to invest in a better bicycle, that's your homework for making me accept the offer."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now