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I must be crazy to be able to say that and I have no idea why I even said that to him knowing that it would make things even more awkward, something happened between the two of us last night and I am to be blamed for it. I kissed him on the lips without asking him for his permission and I didn't explain to him about the kiss, I didn't apologize to him for kissing him so suddenly.

I was just so nervous and embarrassed that the only thought in my mind is to run away from him as far as possible and hide inside my room until I feel better and I don't feel any better, it is even worse now that I get to see him in the morning. He looked more flustered than before and he was trying out some poses earlier in order to appear normal in front of me, he must have been so flustered after what I have done to him and I bet that it is his first kiss because it was my first kiss and I stole his first kiss away from him just like that.

I was about to let out an annoyed scream but Hwang Minhyun turned his head around to face me and I remembered that we are still going to school together, and I am definitely not alone on my own. "The bus is here!" He grabs my wrist and he rubs towards the bus stop, pulling me towards him like a magnet.

Does he even know whatever he is doing is making me feel even more flustered? I tried to keep my cool as we made into the bus, taking the back seats since there weren't many people at this timing, I kept my eyes glued to the window in order to avoid his gaze, I can't talk to him at this close distance without feeling embarrassed and looking away.

"Here's a tissue paper for you." I looked towards him and then the pack of tissue paper that he had in his hand, I looked at him with a confused look on my face. "You are sweating a little."

"Thank you." I took one piece and wiped away my sweat, I must have looked so ugly in front of him and I am sure that he hates me right now, that is why he was telling me that I was sweating.

We kept our silence until we reached school grounds and we walked side by side not being able to say anything because I don't know what to talk to him about, I know that I should clear up the situation that we had last night and tell him that I didn't have the intention to kiss him on the lips and it is my fault for stealing my first kiss away from me but I didn't want to tell him that, I really wanted to kiss him at that point of time and I have taken a liking to him from a while ago.

Hwang Minhyun is a very nice guy and he has been nothing but good to me ever since we started to talk to each other, he supports my dream to be a radio DJ and he doesn't bring me down with his words, instead, he makes me feel so comfortable with him and I could be myself around him, I didn't have to pretend to be the quiet and reserved Bae Yeongwon that I forced myself to be so that no one wouldn't be able to notice me.

All in all, he is a great guy and I have fallen for him but I don't have the guts to tell him that, I wish that I am in some broadcasting booth so that I will not be so timid and I will be able to say anything that I want to say without feeling awkward and sky about it. But I just couldn't and I hate myself for this, why can't I just tell Hwang Minhyun how I really feel about him.

And the entire day went by like that because I couldn't say anything and he didn't say anything back to me as well, I am such an idiot and I know it. Bae Yeongwon, you are such a huge idiot... I told myself over and over again as the school bell rang and I started to pack my stuff before getting out of the classroom and making my way, as usual, I don't have anywhere that I want to go to and I wouldn't want to spend even more time with Hwang Minhyun right now.

"Come with me to the garden, I have something that I want to talk to you about." He came up to me.

"But I need to pack my stuff," I told him and I zipped my bag, looking back at him. "And I need to go home as well, there is something that I need to do."

"Just come with me." He insisted on bringing me back and he grabbed my wrist again, making my heart skip a beat when he did that.

We made our way to the secret base that we are always having our lunch here and he would always listen to me talk here but today is different, he is going to talk and I am going to listen to him and I know exactly what he is going to talk to me about. "Yeongwon, about last night, I--"

"Don't you say anything about it, it is embarrassing for the two of us and I didn't intend to--" He suddenly pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the lips just like how I did to him but with more force and passion, he began to move and I was forced to move along with him but I couldn't stop. It was such a magical feeling and I couldn't stop it, I didn't know that I needed it to feel better.

His lips separated from me and he looked at me with such intensity. "I am serious about you, are you serious about me too? If you are, be my girlfriend."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now