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"Good Morning, Yeongwon ssi!" I immediately hide my face away from that person, I haven't worn my contact lenses yet since I barely have any time to get to school, I was almost late.

And I am not used to good morning greetings, no one ever says that to me. It feels so weird to receive good morning greetings from someone in this school and moreover, it is from Hwang Minhyun, the guy that is somewhat weird.

He is the only one who isn't afraid of me, the other students who avoid all costs of seeing me and will never say anything to me. He must have a motive in doing that, there is no way that he will treat me this well for no reason. "Good morning!" I turned away from him and make my way towards the classroom but he is still following me behind. "Yeongwon ssi!"

I don't want him to follow him, I don't want to get any attention at all, I just wished to study without anyone knowing me. I don't want him to be so nice to me, I don't deserve such false kindness from anyone else especially from someone that I don't trust at all.

"Yeongwon ssi!" I stopped in my steps and I faced him with a firm look on my face. "Good Morning?"

"Please stop saying that to me, I feel very uncomfortable and I don't like it at all," I told him and his smile dropped, that is what I wanted. "Thank you..."

It is best that he doesn't interact with me at all, it wouldn't get me hurt and nothing will happen to me. I ignored him for the rest of the day until lunch break when we had time alone, the rest of the students have already left for lunch.

"Yeongwon ssi--" I immediately got up from my seat and left the classroom with my lunchbox, I couldn't stand a minute with him in the classroom alone.

I walked straight to my usual eating place and I was relieved that no one was occupying that bench again, it seems that there is no one other than me who will find this place relaxing and enjoyable to have my lunch at. Now, there is one person who finds it relaxing and enjoying like me, the mysterious student who didn't have a nickname until last week.

I opened my lunchbox and I smiled at the food that greeted me, it is bacon and cheese sandwiches again. How did my mother even know that I was craving for those sandwiches?

I picked up one sandwich and took a bite of it, I let out a satisfied moan as I chewed the familiar bacon and cheese sandwiches that I have always loved. "Are you there, Yeongwon ssi?"

I dropped my sandwich as I coughed. "Can you not creep up on me like that? It is so scary." I told the guy who just arrived at our meeting place that only the two of us know about it.

"I have no choice, it is not like you can even see me in the first place." He cleared his throat. "I'm so sorry if I have scared you."

"It's okay... As you said, we can't even see each other and so we can't even tell each other that we are here without making a sound." I suddenly feel so stupid that I was mad at some guy who only wanted to listen to me talk, without having to see my face.

"What did you bring for lunch today?"
He asked to start off with his first question. "Is it sandwiches?"

I blinked in amazement, how did he even know that I was eating sandwiches? His sense of smell is really that strong that he can smell sandwiches from 5 meters away. "How did you know?"

"Today is Monday and you ate Sandwiches last Monday, I just assumed that you will be eating sandwiches again since you liked it so much." He replied. "What are the ingredients in it?"

"They are bacon and cheese, they are my favourites to place in a sandwich. What did you bring for lunch then?" I am curious about the food that he had brought since he knows what kind of food I liked to eat.

"It is just a Kimbap and banana milk, I am going through a diet right now. I have a basketball tournament this week and I have to be in good shape or I will not perform well."

"That's sad, you shouldn't eat that even if you are dieting. I know of a good diet plan." I finished the first sandwich and I moved on to the second one.

"What is it?"

"It is really simple, just eat 3 meals a day with snacks included." I beamed, it is the simplest diet but yet people think that it is bad for eating too much.

"That isn't a diet, you are just eating really normally. I don't mind that though if I wasn't doing sports. What after-school club are you in?"

I frowned at the question, is there even a need to join an after-school club? "I don't have one, I never joined one."

"Not even the more relaxing ones? How can that be?" He must be thinking that I am crazy for not wanting to do something that you like to do in school apart from having to study for more than 10 hours a day.

"Hyun, there are some people who prefer to be alone and to be apart from everyone else so that they will feel happier. I am one of them."

"Yeongwon, tell me... Is there anything wrong in school?"

I stuffed the last sandwich in my mouth and I closed the lid of my lunchbox, standing up and leaving this place. "You enjoy your lunch here, I have to go."

"Why all of a sudden? Where are you going?"

"Somewhere, to the library. I remembered that I have to return my books before it expires, I don't want to pay any fines." I got out of the garden and I went back to the school building where it is still relatively quiet, the other students are still having their lunch and they will only be returning back 5 minutes before the break ends.
I got into the toilet and I bumped into someone at the entrance, I apologized immediately but she wouldn't let me go. "So you are the infamous Medusa of our school, Bae Yeongwon? What nerve do you have to bump into me and spreading all of your unluckiness onto me?"

Oh. No. I'm in deep trouble...

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now