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"What would you like for breakfast?" He asked me, looking so happy in the morning and I can't relate to him. I am not the type to wake up so early in the morning and the only time that I get up early is for school and I would rather sleep in if I have the chance to do so.

But I am not in my own house, in my comfortable bedroom where I will have the luxury to sleep in, I had spent the night at his place and we did nothing like what I am afraid of and I am glad that nothing happened. Last night was such a blur and I have no idea what I was even doing last night, I guess that he was right that I got caught up in the moment and I wasn't in my right mind and I had wanted to make love to him.

"You can cook anything that you want, I am not that fussy," I said to him and he went out of his room and I could let out a heavy sigh.

Indeed, the both of us are not ready for it and it is not a common thing these days for couples to have that kind of a relationship and we are of legal age to do whatever that we want, if we could have alcohol and to take up smoking, sexual intercourse shouldn't be excluded from it and it is normal to have a sexual relationship with your partner but only with consent.

I know that I am not ready but I can't deny that I don't have the urge to do him, we have been together for almost 6 months and for couples that have lasted for that long, they would have done a lot of things together and I am sure that they have done a lot more than the two of us.

Our relationship is just like the typical Korean drama couple who hardly makes any physical contact with each other daily and when we do, it is shot in 10 different angles and it will be repeated a lot of times to show the different angels and when it is time for us to make love, the entire scene will be skipped and they will only show the aftermath of that scene.

I know that he wants it as well, his eyes told me something else when he told me that he isn't ready, he is afraid that I might not be ready and I will regret it. There is no way that he hasn't sexually thought of me before, it is normal to do such a thing and I am a woman to him and I am also his girlfriend.

But the mood has been ruined and it would take a few more months for a chance like that to come by again, Ong Seongwoo would have to start getting close to his family so that his family will keep telling him to go back home and he will stay at his parent's house more often and Minhyun and I would have more chances alone and we wouldn't hesitate like what happened last night. Or I am just going to wait for adulthood and that is in a few more months.

He is already done cooking breakfast when I came out and he looked unexpectedly good even in his pyjamas and his apron that looked too cute, he places the plate in front of me and his eyes are telling me to quickly finish my breakfast so that he can send me back home without my parents knowing. I sneaked out of my house and my parents all thought that I am just laying down on the bed, and I have a lot of chances to be alone with myself and no one will realise that I am not around unless they come to check up on me and that hardly happens but it is the first time that I am staying out.

Minhyun told me that Seongwoo is coming later in the afternoon and I decided that it would be better for me to get back home before I would actually get scolded by my parents and they might get me grounded and I couldn't even work anymore, they might even force me to quit my job. I got back home by sneaking back the same way as I did when I left the house last night, Jinyoung left the ladder by the window and I was able to get back without risking my dear life for it. I changed into new clothes and I got out of the room, peeking downstairs to see if my parents knew that I am not around and my mother goes up the stairs at this time. "You are up early today, it is barely noon and you are already up."

"Is it weird for waking up at this time?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"You always stay up so late and you barely wake up early on the weekends, are you going to meet someone for today or you are just going to stay at home the entire day?" She asked me and I shook my head, I had spent enough time at Minhyun's and I don't think that I would be seeing him until Monday, there was a new wave of awkwardness between the two of us and I know that it is my fault this time but at least we are not on the verge of breaking up with each other.

I shook my head. "Then follow me to the flower market, I am going to buy a lot of flowers and I need an extra helping hand. Your brother is busy with his schoolwork and he only fell asleep at 6 am, he passed out on the couch and I had to wake him up to go back to sleep in his room."

He sure is studious, he was staying up all night in fear that my parents might go up to my room for no reason and they would know that I am not in my room the entire night but he is a really good brother to me. I shall return him the favour for once and help out my mother so that he can sleep for a little longer. "Sure, omma."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now