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"It's has been a long time since I have met you and I miss you a lot." I smiled painfully in front of the tombstone which mother's name was engraved in it, my real mother who left me a few years ago due to an illness. "Omma, it's your only son, Minhyun."

Today is my mother's death anniversary and it is the day that makes me the saddest out of all the days in a year, it is the day where I lost my mother and she never came back to me. She didn't return back saying that it is just a joke and she will never make that joke but she didn't, she didn't come back for real and she never opened her eyes after telling me that she will always love me no matter what and told me that I should grow up to take care of my father and respect him.

As if he has done anything to make me respect him as a sensible adult and a human being, he began meeting a lot of women right after he is done with the mourning that he did for 3 months and completely disregarded my mother, he played around with so many women that I hated him when he brought them back home with him and they often would put up a face to fool that they are indeed very caring and lovely people.

If they are caring and lovely, why would they want to play around with someone's husband? My father never officially ended things with my mother because she passed away but that doesn't mean that he can remarry someone while he is still married, he did that because he was lonely and he wanted some pretty woman to take care of his son and his family as well.

And I had never once wished for that woman to take care of me from the day she moved into the household, she was 10 years younger than my late mother and she was a former beauty pageant winner, she has no experience taking care of any children but she was tasked with taking care of me because my father trusted her so much to take care of me.

And I hated the both of them ever since and I still hate them now, especially with what they did last night where my father kicked me out of his house and his apartments and told me never to return back again, I was happy on one part that I will never get to see my father and that woman again but I don't have much money on myself and it would be hard to live on my own and that is what he intended. My father wanted me to go back to him and admit that it is my fault for being rebellious and going against him and he will make me swear that I will never go up against him ever again.

But I won't do that, I have the determination to live on my own without his financial support and without that woman constantly showing fake concern towards me, she was only hoping for the day that she would get the inheritance that my father has. That evil woman had planned everything right from the start to take everything that she wanted and she will leave my father right after that, she doesn't feel any compassion or feelings for anyone but herself, that is the kind of people mistresses are.

With these 2 people constantly ruining my life and making my life miserable, there was only one person who was there for me even though she isn't physically there for me, my mother promised that she will listen to my problems and she would give me advice on that. She was my only hope while growing up, my mother was the one who taught me to fend for myself and not to count on other people to achieve success.

And I learned from her and became the person that I have been today but I have become so cold that I don't want to get close to any of them because I was afraid that they might hurt me and it is true, I have seen some of my classmates getting isolated or being bullied by their friends and it is very difficult to see and witness. I didn't want to be one of them so that I pretended that I was on the other side as the bullies so that I wouldn't be targeted to be bullied by them.

And that worked for quite a while and I lost a friend in the process, it has been 2 years since he has ended his life and went up to heaven, it might seem like a foolish and thoughtless attempt of his but it is the only way that he would get freedom and no one would bully him ever again. I only understood that fully when I witnessed Bae Yeongwon about to commit self-harm and possibly to end her own life as well, I finally understood why they had chosen to end their lives as a final solution and it wasn't foolish but a way of being happy for once.

And I had enough of keeping quiet and turning away from it so I decided to save Bae Yeongwon and I was reborn as a new person ever since that day, I found a new purpose in life and that is to protect the people that I care about the most and to make sure that nothing ever happens to them.

"Omma, I have done one right thing in the past year and that is to reach a hand to people before it is too late. And I have managed to save one, she is a very nice person and she has a huge dream to be fulfilled in the future and she needs my help. And I need her help as well but I haven't told her my problem yet, will she ever want to listen to me? Will she walk away from me if she knows that I am not the person that she thought that I am? I don't want to disappoint her." I heaved a deep sigh. "What should I do, Omma?"

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now