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I was supposed to be mad at Hwang Minhyun's actions for hitting someone up, it is a very rash thing to do and Hwang Minhyun is not that kind of person to do that to anyone. He is a levelheaded person who thinks his every move very clearly and he will not take actions unless he is very sure of the consequences that come with his decisions, so it is very surprising that he chose to do that on a whim.

He must have been really mad and raged to do such a thing and I can't really blame him for it, he was dragged into my problem and he has to deal with my problems and I didn't try to help him with that and instead giving in to their insults and criticisms about everything that is related to me. Because of my different coloured eyes, I am made the joke in the school but I wasn't as mad because all of the insults were directed towards and no one else got hurt by their words.

Hwang Minhyun was the first one who got involved in my problem and I feel bad that he has to help me with that when I am the one who dragged him into my problems and I wanted him to help me, I am indeed useless and I do nothing but to create more trouble. And now Hwang Minhyun is going to be the laughing stock of our class as well and word would go out to the other classes and the different cohorts, everyone would be talking about him and his actions as soon as he walks our of the principal's office.

He has been in there for a while along with the classmate whom he punched, Lee Sol was not called up to the principal's office even though she was the one who helped add the fuel to the fire and she was one of the people who are involved in the fight. Maybe she backed out of it last minute and escaped even before the teachers would count anyone who was involved in the fight.

Without her yapping at Minhyun with the help of Ha Sungwoon, nothing bad would have happened and I would be in class right now, listening to our maths teacher talks about maths stuff and I will be there to take notes of whatever that we are supposed to learn. Because of this fight, we were pulled out of class to report to the principal's office, and we are supposed to be there until we are done solving the problem between the three of us is solved and I don't think that the issue can be solved quickly due to them not coming out of the office for the past 15 minutes.

I am really worried what the principal would do to Hwang Minhyun since he had committed a serious offence and it is a rule in the student handbook but this is his first time hitting someone, maybe his sentence can get lessen because of his good conduct and personality. Someone so levelheaded would never do such a thing to anyone without thinking through, it is anger that helps to release that demon inside him.

I wonder what made him act that way towards Ha Sungwoon, I know that he is angry that I am still being called Medusa even though I didn't turn up in school for an entire week, and it is as if things were already like that from a very long time ago. Gossips don't stop whenever you want to, not when the person who is being the target, it will happen as long as you are still being relevant to them and funny to them.

He should've just listened and said nothing about it, not getting angry at those people and then hitting them up until they are kind of unrecognizable. There is no benefit for him no matter what the hell he tries to help me change my first impression to the other people and possibly change my entire life around, it would only help him become the next target to be treated the same way as me and his entire nickname would change as well.

He is not going to be called Hwang Minhyun anymore, people are going to remember him by being the person who stood up for me, the Medusa and then failing in his mission to do that. People are going to call him the Medusa's helper and his entire life in school would be the same as mine, full of bullying and unfair treatment between a human being to another human being.

Ha Sungwoon comes out of the principal's office and he looks at me, but I was quick on dodging his gaze towards me so that I wouldn't upset him. He glared at me and then made his way back to the classroom and Hwang Minhyun is still stuck in the office with no signs of ever coming out at all. I really hope that he doesn't get expelled by the school with a minor offence that he had committed.

Hwang Minhyun comes out a few minutes before the end of the class that we are having right now and he didn't look very happy, the meeting that he had between him and the principal probably didn't go that well. "Let's go to the garden right now." He told me.

"But we are supposed to go back to class, and we are not supposed to sneak out of class to go to the school garden that is still very secret to the rest of the school," I told him.

"I don't care much about that, I just wanted to talk to you as soon as possible." He nodded when I agreed that we should do exactly that even though my heart tells me otherwise. "Let's go now."

And we got to the school garden which is at its quietest even though there should be some noises and it is all because of the quietness and thus we are always being able to make full conversations without getting interrupted. "So, what happened in there? Are you left off by the principal and you are told by him to do your thing."

"I did nothing, all I know that I have to protect you no matter what. That is my duty to be your friend, your only friend."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now