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I set the lunchbox down and my hands came close to her face as I noticed that she was shedding tears. "It is not good to shed tears at lunchtime, it ruins your appetite and you wouldn't look good either. You have to look good and fabulous for the people that you have to prove wrong too."

She blinked at me, not knowing what to do as she has never expected me to do such a thing to her, well I wasn't expecting myself to do such a thing as well. I have never done to any woman that was in my life and my mother was the only women in my life but I have never wiped her tears away like that. What the heck is wrong with me?

I cleared my throat and my cheeks are still heating up, I am sure that I look like a tomato right now. "You better finish your lunch quickly or it would be unappetizing, especially if you let it out like that." I took a bite of my food and pretended that nothing else happened earlier so that things wouldn't turn out so awkward for the two of us.

She cleared her throat and then took a bite out of her sandwich, smiling to herself that in turn made the sides of my mouth turn up as well. It is just so satisfying that she is smiling, at last, she doesn't smile at all before that and she looked like she is always depressed all the time.

She went through a lot, to be honest, having to put up with the people who made fun of her in school and made her feel worthless, there leads to her having no choice but to self-harm to feel better. I am against self-harming but for some people, it is the only way where they get to relieve their stress and feel better even though they are harming themselves.

It just saddens me that they have to do that in order to relieve their stress and continue to survive in this world, with all those people that continue to torment them with words, it is just going to force them to having no choice but to commit suicide so that they would finally get away from all the bullying and the verbal insults from those bullies.

I looked towards Yeongwon and she is happily eating her sandwiches, at least she is happy now that I am right by her side. She won't get bullied by anyone if I am around, with me by her side, she would be happier and her mood would go up. With me, she won't think about self-harming again, at least not all the time and I will try my best to stop those people from calling her names. With me around, she will be smiling and that makes me contented already.

I took a bite of her sandwich and she looked at me with a confused look on her face. "Why are you taking a bite for? You have your own food and you barely touched it at all."

"You said that you were getting bored with always having sandwiches for lunch all the time, and I said that you could take some of my food in exchange," I told her.

"But it doesn't mean that I would take your food, it doesn't look that appetising." She commented. "And bacon and cheese sandwiches are better than that, they taste better."

"They taste alright, okay? I made it myself and I am sure that it is delicious, I have excellent cooking skills that put most highschool students to shame." I held up a piece of meat with my chopstick and showed it to her. "You see that glaze on this piece of my meat? It is very hard to achieve that."

She burst out laughing again because of my words that don't make any sense at all. "What? It doesn't even make sense." I smiled to myself, her smile and laughter are just so beautiful. I wished that she would always laugh like that, without anyone judging her about it.

"You laughed, that is something that you haven't done in a long time right?" I told her and she immediately stops smiling.

"Hwang Minhyun, can you stop spouting nonsense for once? I have to eat my lunch before the break ends and you are preventing me from doing that." She finished the first sandwich. "Your food is getting very cold."

"Got it, but don't you want to try my food for once? It would amaze you from the world and back, it is just so delicious." I pushed my lunchbox to her and she sighed before taking a piece of meat from it, she put it in my mouth and her facial expression changed. "Is it good?"

She nudged my arm. "Eat your lunch and shut up, it is hurting my ears listening to you speak. It would be better if you would hide behind the bush and eat your lunch there, at least it would be quieter."

"Got it, Yeongwon!" I finally took a mouthful of my lunch and lunchtime went by pretty quickly with the both of us just eating in silence and enjoying the tranquillity that we have in this school garden that no one ever visits, I just can't believe that a place like this isn't being bombarded by students that wreck havoc and cause trouble to everyone. I wished that this place will continue to stay like this even after I have graduated.

We walked back to class and I was greeted by a wave of awkwardness, no one was talking and playing around with each other, they were staring back at me and not saying anything. It only took a second before they all burst out into laughter and took out their phones while at it, taking pictures and videos of the both of us as if we were surrounded by the paparazzi. "Look! It is the Medusa and her victim!"

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now