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4 years later...

"Do you think that something huge might happen to you on your very special day?" I spoke in the microphone as always, talking to the audience without actually knowing what they looked like and whether they are listening to me or not.

I am always rambling about things that don't seem much of an interest to some people and they said that I am weird for always sharing too much about myself but it is not weird at all, it will be good to satisfy everyone with whatever they want but you can't always manage to make everyone happy, there will always be someone who will be offended to whatever you are doing and they will never be satisfied but that doesn't matter at all because they can never bring you down.

"It can be a special day like your birthday or even your friend's birthday, your parent's birthday or even your lover's birthday, birthdays are the best thing that can happen to everyone and everyone is entitled to be extremely happy on that day." I continued with my script which I just made it up on the spot. "You know why I am talking about birthdays? Because today is my birthday and I am going to be 23 years old and a little bit more experienced than the 22-year-old me."

"So I am excited about my birthday and this year is not going to be too different from the previous years, I will be staying at home for my birthday and I will be celebrating with my family and friends," I said to the audience. "Birthdays can be very simple as well, as long as you put in the effort, the person who is celebrating their birthday will feel grateful that someone remembered their birthday and they went up and above to make them happy in their way. So always appreciate every birthday that you will get to celebrate and be grateful for everyone who remembers your birthday. And so I am ending the radio show here and I hope that you will be listening at the same time next week."

I removed the headphones and the door opened to my coworkers bringing the cake in they were all singing the happy birthday song, clapping to the rhythm they placed the cake in front of me and they handed me the knife to cut the cake as well. They finished singing the song and urged me to cut the cake as they all took a video to post it on their social media, it is a yearly tradition of what we do for every single DJ and all of us take birthdays very seriously.

"You should have done a visual radio broadcast instead so that the fans will send in all of their birthday gifts to you and you will get to do a segment where you will reveal their gifts, but you just have to tell them that gifts are off-limits and you have never revealed your face to the public before when you are so pretty." One fellow DJ said to me. "You could easily become a celebrity with your unique features, not a lot of people have eyes like yours and they have died to be like you."

I just smiled because I didn't know what to do because having eyes like mine wasn't something that I got complimented on when I was in school and I have been bullied my entire life, at that time people like me are often treated less than a human being and we are not called human names either. People are not even willing to look at me or they will get cursed like how Medusa curses her victims, they turn into stone when she stares at them in the eyes and they stay like that forever.

That trauma stayed with me my entire life and now the same group of people are obsessed with looking different and they will get those different coloured contacts just to make their eyes look like mine, it is just funny that they are always trying to fit in into society just so that they can be accepted by everyone and not being treated like a foreign species.

"Those people will never change and I will do nothing else to make them accept me, it is my voice that made them like me and it should be that way," I told them and they all nodded in agreement, I don't need to follow any trends and I should not be using my eyes to attract the viewers to watch my show.

My voice is enough for them to be listening every single week without fail and it would be weird for them to know that I have revealed my face without any warning they are all shocked, but I trust my listeners that they will be contented with just listening to me talk and listening to their worries and talking about those worries.

I left the radio station and a car honked at me and I immediately recognized the car, it is the only car that will honk at me like that and I won't be offended. Maybe a little but it doesn't matter if it is the love of my life...

"I see that you have a lot of gifts, those DJs did a surprise event for you as usual?" He said to me and I handed him the box of chocolate which he thanked me.

I sat in his car and he handed me the flowers and I smelt it, it is so fresh and I held them but I am not smiling. "Did they prank you?"

"They have been telling me to reveal my face, the viewers are asking me that occasionally but there is no need to show my face to the public and I don't want to," I told him.

"And what did you reply to them?" He asked me. "I know that it was traumatizing for you back then but it doesn't mean that you weren't hurt by their comments. Don't show them your face if you don't want to, show it to me because I want to see your face every single day of my life. How are you always this cute?" He pinched my cheeks.

"Hwang Minhyun!" I snapped at him. "It hurts!" I massaged my cheeks.

"But you are cute, those eyes of yours are just a bonus and I am lucky to see them." The traffic lights turned red and he leaned closer to kiss me. "And you are mine forever, no one can steal it from me."

"You..." I looked at him. "I will only show my face on one condition." He looked at me. "If you marry me."

He burst into laughter and I asked him why hitting him in the shoulder. "But babe, we are married." He interlocked my hands with mine. "See that ring? We are already married. Did you lose your memory?"

"We can get married again, you know how American couples renew their vows after decades of their marriage. We are going to do that every decade." I told him, kissing him once again on the lips, tasting the chocolate and my love for him. With Hwang Minhyun, nothing else matters other than the love that we have for each other.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now