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I gulped down my saliva and I cleared my throat to filter out all the dirty things in my mind, and I looked away from her for a moment before looking back at her. "I have one important question, do your parents know that you are here? Because, weirdly, you are here at this timing and I don't receive any calls from your father telling me that I have kidnapped their daughter."

"They just assumed that I am in bed and I usually stay in my room all day and all night as well, they are not going to suspect that I am outside and besides, Jinyoung can help me keep the secret for as long as I will buy him a drink for the whole of next month." She said to me. "Now it is my turn, there are condoms around here right? I know that you don't do that kind of a thing with anyone else but we have to take precautions on this. Do you think that Ong Seongwoo would have a few scattered around the house?"

Condoms, I have never thought that it would be so important until now and there is a need for condoms if we are going to do that. But aren't we a little too young for that? And we are still in high school.

"We shouldn't be doing this right now, we are still in high school," I told her. "We can do this after we are legal, we can do something else instead."

"But we are legal, if we can drink, we can do this as well. It is only because we are still in high school that we are not supposed to be doing this but I don't see a problem as long as there are the condoms." She said to me. "I am being serious here, Minhyun."

"But--" She looked at me and l let out a sigh. "I am not ready yet," I told her. "And I know that you are not ready for that either, you are just in the heat of the moment and you thought that it would be the best for you to get rid of those feelings."

"Well..." She looked down at the floor and then back at me. "I can wait for you to be ready for it, there is no rush and I know that it is not that you hate me and you are just overwhelmed by all of this."

"I am so sorry, Yeongwon," I said to her and she shook her head. "Let's just watch television until we feel sleepy."

She nodded her head and she sat down on the couch, I prepared all the drinks and I brought over a few alcoholic drinks because we are legal and it would be a waste to let all of that alcohol in the fridge and Seongwoo is always the one who is drinking them but I will empty the stock and I will buy him back the same amount.

We watched a few movies and my vision began to turn blurry after my third can of beer and I knew that I needed to stop drinking or there is going to be a huge problem for both of us, I don't know what I would exactly do to Yeongwon in my drunken state but I know that I will regret it.

I turned towards Yeongwon and she is crying over the current scene and I know that she isn't drunk because she can concentrate on whatever it is happening and I can't, I let out a sigh and I leaned on her shoulder and I think that I fell asleep because everything went dark and I have no idea what is happening.

I was on my bed when I opened my eyes and my alarm clock rang at the same time, I don't know how I even teleported from the couch to my bed and I felt a splitting headache and I laid down for a few seconds before I checked my body and I am still wearing the same clothes from last night. I turned towards my right and Yeongwon is sleeping on her own and she is fully clothed as well, so nothing happened to the two of us last night and we went to bed like two regular people.

I continued to stay in bed for a few more minutes because of how intense the pain is and I looked at Yeongwon's sleeping face and she is so beautiful, I thought that she was already beautiful enough but she never failed to amaze me with my beauty. I have no idea why people would bully her just because she has different coloured eyes but she is just a regular person who needs love and she wants people to love her for who she is and I hope that people in school would realize how incredible she is.

She has a permanent radio show that she does with a celebrity and it is not easy to be an assistant DJ when she is still schooling but she is doing it because she wanted to pursue her dreams and she is getting a head start, and it is clear that her efforts are being paid off because the homeroom teacher complimented her the other day and told everyone that she is a part-time DJ and people now know that she is not just some outcast but someone with such an incredible voice and she is my girlfriend.

I come closer to her and I kissed her on the lips, so softly that I don't think that she knows that. My lips lingered on hers for a while and it started to move and we were tasting each other early in the morning, she tasted great in the morning and I feel like I am getting addicted to her kisses. It took like forever and I barely manage to pull away from her kisses and I smiled. "Good morning, Yeongwon."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now