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Yeongwon stared at the building with her mouth open and it would take a few more seconds before she would start drooling, she has been like that for a while ever since we arrived at the company and she simply can't believe that I am working at a place like this, I have told her that I come from a well-to-do family and my father is a CEO of a huge company but I think that I was a little vague in explaining to her about my family background.

I let a loud sigh and closed my mouth for her. "Yeongwon, you are going to drool."

She looks at me and she let out a yell. "Why is this so huge? I thought that you said that it is a small company."

"It is a small company, this is not the main branch, the main branch is over there and we would only go to the main building when we need to." I directed her to the building in the far distance where the words 'The Hwang Group' can be seen clearly.

"Wow!" She yelled even louder and I had to cover her mouth for her, now everyone would know that I have such a loud girlfriend, she didn't use to be like this and she was all quiet and lovely. "Hwang Minhyun, you are literally like a rich man's son that I see in the dramas, you don't even need to start as an intern. Why didn't you tell me that you were that wealthy?"

I didn't feel the need to tell anyone that I am wealthy and I live very comfortably, I am not rich and the rich one is my father, I am just his son and I don't associate myself to be a very rich person. And telling everyone that I am rich would just cause a lot of problems and I don't want that to happen to me.

I don't want to be surrounded by people who want to be friends with me and want me to hang out with them all the time so that I can pay for their meals and everything that they want to do, I would rather keep a low profile and remain mysterious until I graduate from high school.

At least my privacy is being protected and I have the choice of choosing my friends and there won't be many problems in my life, and I can pretend that I live a frugal life and I go everywhere on a bike.

"I don't need to be wealthy to be happy, I already have you in my life and I enjoyed living like this," I said to her. "Don't you ever tell Ong Seongwoo about this or he is going to milk me out of my money, I know that he would do that."

She nodded her head and she passed me a lunchbox. "Shall I pick you up after you are done?"

I nodded. "Be there just like I was there for your work, Bae Yeongwon." I leaned closer for a hug. "I am going to miss your scent so much."

"It is only going to be for a few hours, have fun at work!" She said waving at me and I waved back at her before making my way into the company, walking towards the receptionist where she greeted me and gave me my pass.

My father has arranged everything for me and I only need to follow his orders and he would come by once in a while to check on my progress, he could've just pretended that he didn't know me and it would be easier for me to pick up things on my own and I can keep a low profile.

The supervisor looked at me and then back at my profile. "Your surname is Hwang, are you the CEO's son?"

How did he know about it so fast? I thought that my father didn't tell anyone that I was his son, he didn't even give a damn about me and there is no reason why he would go around telling everyone that he had a son and his son is starting as an intern in his company.

"It is just the surname, I have no relation to the CEO," I said to him. "If everyone came in with the same surname as the CEO, are they related to the CEO?"

He laughed. "I am just trying to throw a little joke, don't take it too hard." He said to me. "You are the only employee here with the same surname as the CEO, and it is not common to have this surname so I joked about how you could be his son."

"I see," I said to him. I wonder how shocked would he be if he knows that I am the son of the CEO that he is working for?

"I am Yoon Jisung, your supervisor and you can call me Jisung or Manager Yoon even though I don't want you to call me." He said to me. "But I want you to call me JiSung hyung because I am older than you."

"Right, JiSung hyung." He nodded his name, looking so pleased that I called him the way that he wanted me to.

He is a very nice person and he was so attentive to me, he showed me around the office and he gave me time to get used to the office and the desk that I am assigned to, it is so much better than what I had imagined my first day to be like.

It is all because of Yeongwon who made me feel a little nervous, she told me that interns get the worst treatment on their first day of work, she told me that no one cares about the interns and they would have to take drink orders and work around the other employees like their servants instead of doing any real work but it is not the case at all.

"Get yourself familiarized with the office and meet me in my office in 20 minutes, we have to get ready for a meeting and you would have to take minutes." He said, walking off and I sat down in my chair. I am starting to think that I am making the right decision here and I feel like I am starting to like this...

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now