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I wore my cap and looked in the mirror, I totally looked like someone is going to steal something but I am not doing that and the shops should be closed by now. It is 10 minutes to 11 pm and I am going out during this time, I would be in bed by this timing on a daily basis but I have something important to do tonight and that is to accompany Bae Yeongwon to the radio station so that she can appear on the radio show as a special guest DJ. She had accepted the offer a few days ago and she told me that she struggled to ask permission from her parents to allow her to go on the radio show.

She was still nervous about it a few hours ago, she decided to give me a call to tell me that she is too nervous and she doesn't feel like going on that radio show, I convinced that nothing bad is going to happen and nothing will happen if she stops worrying too much. I am going to pick her up now and bring her to the radio show on the bicycle that I have begged my dear friend to lend me for one night.

"You won't wreck my bicycle right? You do know how much I loved my bicycle right?" Ong Seongwoo asked me before I left the house, I have Ben staying with him at his apartment ever since my father cut off ties with me and tells me never to contact him again.

He is the only person who knows about the whole situation that I have with my family and he understands it fully, he didn't even hesitate to take me in when he found out that I had no place to go to and I have been kicked out in one of the apartments that my father owned. It has been a little over 2 weeks that I have stayed with him and he hasn't wanted to get rid of me and want me to move away, I will do that someday when I have the money but for now, I would have to earn money and buy my own place.

"Relax, I won't do that. I will have to send Yeongwon back and forth, I don't want her to spend money on the taxi when there is a free alternative. If I really wreck your bicycle, I will buy a new one for you." I told him as I got his helmet from him and a spare one for Yeongwon.

"Buy the newest one for me, I will send you the photos when you wreck it. I will be happy to receive it from you and that will be my early birthday present, thank you so much." I rolled my eyes and I got out of the apartment. "Anyways, be safe and protect Bae Yeongwon well. Make sure that she knows how much you care about her."

I smirked at him and I got down to the ground floor with his bicycle and I rode the bicycle with the wind hitting my face and I could feel the breeze as I rode through the neighbourhood and I arrived at Yeongwon's neighbourhood in just 5 minutes, she was already waiting for me and she waved at me when I stopped in front of her. "That bicycle looks cool." She said. "I didn't know that you owned a bicycle."

"I didn't, it was my friend who lent it to me. It looks awesome right?" I told her as she got on the bicycle and I helped her wear the helmet, my heart pounding hard as I tried hard not to stare at me when she looked at me trying to fasten her helmet. "Let's get going before we are going to be late, we have to be there 30 minutes before it starts."

She nodded and she wrapped her arms around my waist, my heart started pounding hard again and I cleared my throat to feel less awkward but I am still feeling so awkward. "We are going now, don't let go of me until we have reached."

We reached the radio station in 10 minutes flat and I parked the bicycle at one of the parking spaces for bicycles and I secured it tightly with the lock, I even tried to pull it apart and it is really secure and only a chainsaw can break the lock, Ong Seongwoo really put his love into this bicycle and he is in love with his bicycle.

We made it upstairs and we were walking towards the room where the radio show would happen, there were a lot of people which I didn't expect to see at all, I thought that there aren't so many people who are in charge of one show but it takes a whole team of people to conduct a simple radio show and a good DJ to make sure the show has viewers tuning into their show.

"So this is your kind of battlefield, do your best in there and not make everyone get disappointed in you for not doing your best," I told her. "I will wait for you downstairs and we will go home as soon as it ends."

"Could you stay here and watch me? I feel better when you are here with me and being with me, I don't feel so nervous when you are here with me." I was honestly so surprised at her words, I didn't know that I could make people feel relaxed. Normally people will feel jealous when they see me and they would want to get rid of me at all costs, they wouldn't want to be in the same room as me but Bae Yeongwon wants me to stay beside her.

"You can do that, Bae Yeongwon's friend. We can get you a seat behind the recording booth and you will be able to see everything to listen to everything that we saw during the whole show in the best environment possible." Jung Sewoon granted Bae Yeongwon's request for me to sit in during the radio show and I did, sitting beside Jung Sewoon's manager who is currently on a call to settle his work stuff.

Bae Yeongwon is preparing herself for the show to start and she still seems so nervous, it looks like she is going to faint any sooner if she doesn't remember to breathe. "Bae Yeongwon, breathe and relax." I mouthed her the words when she looked at me for one second.

She smiled as the radio show started and she spoke her first words after Jung Sewoon has introduced her. "Hi viewers, this is Bae Yeongwon and I am the guest DJ for tonight. Nice to meet you guys, I hope that my voice can calm you down and make you sleep soundly."

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