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I threw the basketball into the hoop and my next throw was interrupted by Ong Seongwoo who ran into the basketball court like a lunatic and calling my name, I don't like people calling me out and not especially when it is Ong Seongwoo, he has a very loud voice and that was how people got to know my name without even asking, he did a free shout-out for me without me wanting him to.

"Minhyun! Things are going weird today, they are talking about your girlfriend and how good she hosted the radio show!" He exclaimed.

"And so?" I threw the ball into the hoop.

"I must be in a dream, Bae Yeongwon is never being treated like this! No one even bothered to know her name and she is more known as Medusa because of her eyes and today everyone is talking about her and making her seem like a celebrity! How is this possible?" He said to me and then proceeded to shake my shoulders, I let out a huge sigh and pushed him away. "I usually don't react like this but I am way too shocked to even act normal."

"You are never normal, to be honest." He punched me in the chest. "There is a reason why she suddenly shot up in popularity and why everyone is talking about her all of a sudden."

"Why?" He asked me. "I know that she has been hosting that show for a while but no one ever listens to radio shows anymore, it is normally for taxi drivers and people who don't sleep."

"She always had the talent for this and I encouraged her to go for it, she is missing out on life if she doesn't do radio shows and I want her to be happy. And she never wanted to be famous as well, she is just talented and talented people will take time to shine and once people get to take notice of her, everyone will love her and no one will hate her." I told him, walking to the benches where I took a sip of water.

"But doesn't she hate all the attention that she is getting all of a sudden? Please remember that she spent all her life being a nobody and avoiding everyone and now everyone is looking at her and I am afraid that she might be a little too overwhelmed with it, she might start to hate you for it." He told me, playing around with the basketball ball.

Right, why didn't I think about that? I got up from my seat and I rushed to find Yeongwon, she is having classes late today and she will be done at 4 pm, and she might be too tired before then. I looked into the class and I noticed that she isn't around, maybe she went to the bathroom but I decided to ask one of the girls who were also in the class.

"She went to the bathroom." She told me. "Are you her boyfriend?"

Will she go tell the teachers or something? I still chose to nod my head, because she is indeed my girlfriend and I love her more than anything else. "You are really lucky to have her as your girlfriend, she is really good as a radio show host."

"You guys used to be the ones who are mocking her for being different and now you guys are praising her for her talent. You didn't even notice her before and now you guys are trying to get close to her just because she is doing radio shows at the biggest broadcasting stations and with an idol, that is too pathetic for someone to do that."

"Excuse me?" She sounded so offended but it is the truth, they didn't like Yeongwon before and treated her like a monster but one mention from the homeroom teacher that he listens to her show made her so famous all of a sudden and everyone in school is going after her to get on her good side so that they might get noticed as well and allow Yeongwon to somehow forgive for what they have done to her.

Like what Yeongwon said to me earlier, humans don't change for the better just because they are told to change, some of them do that because they want to have a change but most of them are just going with the flow and following what the majority of the other humans are doing. They never change, they only pretend to change because it is the only thing to do without being different from the others and this girl is doing the same thing.

"Tell me honestly, do you want to be her friend just so that she can make you feel a little famous and you might have a chance of getting mentioned on radio?" I asked her.

Yeongwon comes out at this time and pulls me away. "What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Yeongwon, have they been bothering you the entire day? About wanting to be your friend and getting close to you?" I asked her, it is best to get her opinion before jumping to conclusions.

She looked at the girl who is expecting her to be helping her and she lets out a huge sigh. "Hwang Minhyun, come with me." She grabbed my wrist and she led me to the rooftop where no one can ever hear our conversation. "What are you trying to say to that girl? She didn't look impressed at all."

"I told her not to bother you anymore, I heard from Ong Seongwoo that you have been mobbed by all of them the entire day and you are suffocating from all of those human interactions. I told her to stop pretending to be liking you just so that you can at least mention on the radio that she is a great friend to you and she would get a glimpse of fame." I told her. "I was just trying to protect you from those mean humans."

"You don't need to do that, I will handle them on my own but thank you anyway for being there for me. It is going to be tough on me for the next year and I am glad that you are here for me." I pulled her for a hug and I got comforted by her when I am the one who is supposed to be comforting her, and we feel comforted together.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now