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Being called the Medusa girl was what I have grown up with and I can't ever get rid of that nickname, maybe that phase will end when I graduate high school and continue to study in a university, maybe it wouldn't end and it would get stuck with me for long. And that nickname is ridiculous, it doesn't suit me at all and it is all because of my different colored eyes and that's how I got the nickname.

Because I am not like the others that had brown eyes, I was being shamed for looking different and that has been my life ever since I started schooling and the nicknames just got even worse than the last one as I grew up, adding more hurt and toxic to each new nickname that they branded me with but the nickname 'Medusa girl' was the one that hurt me the most.

I am just a regular girl with no superpowers but yet they make me seem like a villian to them, even though I never had the intention to hurt others nor I have the need to hurt others to feel better about myself, I was labelled as someone who will hurt others because I was too jealous, the mythical Medusa
was a vengeful villian and she cursed everyone who was bad to her by turning them to stone.

I, on the other hand was totally incapable of doing such things and doing those things would cause me retribution in time to come, it will not do good to me at all and it is not a healthy thing to do to someone. No one in the right mind would ever want to harm others but the ones that labelled me with that horrendous nickname is not in their right minds, their minds were so corrupted because they have totally lose faith that a fellow human can be kind to another human, they believe that such a thing doesn't happen in real life like how friendships are formed in fairytales and storybooks.

Because they have totally convinced themselves that it is the right thing to do, to make fun of others to make themselves feel great about themselves while they are actually very insecure with themselves, they could've taken the easy way out in life but being friendly to another human but they chose to make other people's lives difficult and they get to live a better life than them, they think that everyone but them is inferior and they have the right to do anything to them.

That is really pathetic of them and I can't believe that they made themselves become the monsters while accusing the other humans as monster but this is how the world works these days, the world have became so messed up that there is no change in humanity and people will continue to bully the other people to make themselves feel better, it is a vicious cycle that we can't get out of it and the only way of getting out of it is to speak for yourself and make a stand about it.

And that is what I am trying to do right now, standing up for myself and creating a new image for myself in order to survive in this world with a prince helping me on the sidelines. My legs wobble with each step that I take, each step closer to the school grounds and it is the place that I didn't want to get back there anymore but I had no choice. I could've just started over in a different highschool but there isn't much time till we graduate, there is no point of transferring schools at this point of them even though I really wanted to do that but my parents preferred if I were to graduate in the same school that I enrolled from the start.

And with Minhyun by my side, I can be assured that he will make my school life different, the life without any bullying and the life with a friend who will talk to me all the time and be there by my side, giving me support to get through highschool. He will be that friend that I never had, I would finally have someone to have lunch with me at the school and it won't be just me talking to myself to keep myself entertained, there is an actual person that will be listening to me speak and he will speak to me as well and we would have a legitimate conversation with each other.

I almost met with the homeroom teacher and she was relived that I have came back to school despite all the bullying that I have received whilst being in this school, she would of course want to continue my studies here until graduation and she has entrusted Minhyun to stay by my side so that the others can't get close to me that easily.

It was lunch time and my first instinct is to wait for everyone in the class to leave and I would take out my lunchbox and proceed to my usual hangout place where I would have my meals at, but today was different. Minhyun immediately took out his lunchbox and gestured for me to leave the class as soon as the school bell rang, we then became the first ones to leave the class as a result.

We arrived at our usual hangout place and I took out our lunchboxes to each other to see, my mother had prepared sandwiches for me again and his lunchbox is just filled with a lot of vegetables and meat. "Why do you like sandwiches so much? You have them almost everyday."

I shook my head. "I don't eat them everyday, I eat them 3 times a week and they are always filled with different ingredients, it is not always bacon and cheese." I looked at my sandwiches and I let out a sigh. "And it is bacon and cheese sandwiches again."

He pushed his lunchbox in my face. "Then would you like to have some of these? It would go so well with your sandwich."

That didn't make me feel annoyed at him for doing that to me, instead I felt touched that someone is actually saying this to me and he is actually real and not an imaginary persona that I have created so that I wouldn't feel so lonely having my meals. He set the lunchbox down and his hands came close to my face. "It is not good to shed tears at lunchtime, it ruins your appetite and you wouldn't look good either. You have to look good and fabulous for the people that you have to prove wrong too."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now