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Hwang Minhyun appeared in front of my house the next morning but with bruises on his face and he didn't look that happy either, I have no idea what happened yesterday but I know that he is guilty about what happened yesterday when he beat up that student, it is not the best way to stop someone from bullying another person but it is the worst way of doing that.

He could have been really suspended for even longer than a week if he were to be someone else but he is the principal's nephew which benefitted him a lot in this situation, because of that, he is able to avoid going through a lot of things that he should be facing. "Why are you here for? You are not supposed to even go to school, you have been suspended for one week and you are not allowed to go anywhere near the school compound when you are being suspended."

"I know but I have the right to do what I want during this one whole week." He stared down at his own attire, he is wearing a blue flannel shirt with a white shirt underneath. "And I am not even wearing my school uniform, I am not going to get caught by the principal."

He is right, with the principal being his uncle, everything that he does will not make him look bad because he is the nephew of the principal and family ties work stronger in this industry. "Fine, if that is what you are going to do for the next week, just don't get me into trouble. I don't like chaos and you have just caused one yesterday." I warned him about his actions yesterday as we walked away from my house and down the route that leads to the high school that I go to.

His injury looks even worse from his side profile and it looks as if he is punched really bad and it would take weeks to heal and his handsome face would get a little damaged from this little incident. For the sake of his good looks, I suggest to him that he should stop fighting anyone to protect his good looks and to still be able to increase his chances to find a really hot girlfriend.

I wonder if his parents knew what he did yesterday, I mean they would've known by now but there is still a possibility that they might not know about it because Hwang Minhyun is that kind of a person who doesn't tell anyone things so easily. He is so mysterious and secretive, he looks like he keeps a lot of things to himself and he doesn't tell his parents about it. There is a possibility that he might not have seen his parents yet and it would be bad for him to keep such things from his parents, your parents should have the right to know everything about your life and all of those little secrets that you have.

"I know that you have something to say to me, you were looking at me all the time, looking guilty and all." He finally spoke again while we were waiting for the traffic lights. "Tell me, Bae Yeongwon. I can never read your mind unless you tell me about it and I will help you after you have decided to tell me about it."

"Does your parents know that you have gotten into a fight? I mean they should've known about it by now, you live in the same house as your parents and you breathe the same air as them, there is no reason that they don't know about that." I asked him, hoping to get an answer from him even though I clearly know that he is not going to say anything about it.

"They don't matter that much to me and they don't meddle in my life, what I do doesn't mean much to them and they give me a lot of freedom to do the things that I want to do." He scoffed. "As if that ever happened in real life but you don't need to matter much, I have learned not to depend too much on them and to act on what I think that will benefit them the most. I don't even think that you do that to your parents right?"

I shook my head, my parents are one of the most caring people ever and they are the best people that I have ever met in my life, they will scold me when I have done something wrong and they will tell me off as an attempt to make me learn from my own mistakes and not to commit that same mistake ever again. They might not be the strictest parents that I know but JinYoung has benefitted a lot from their excellent parenting skills, and I love them a lot.

"But you shouldn't beat up anyone like that again, that is something that could land you in jail if you are an adult and it is bad for your own future. What if you start venting your anger by beating them up and releasing stress from it? It is not a good way to be a good person." I told him and he just nodded.

"Being a good person is great right? You do everything that you are supposed to do and you are praised for doing the right things, but it is something that will never benefit you at all. It will come harm you someday for being good and you don't need to be so good at times where you have to protect yourself, people will use that as an advantage to trample all over you because you are being too nice to them and they are taking it for granted. So sometimes, you have to be the bad guy for once and let them know that you are not a pushover and you can be just like them." He cleared his throat. "But don't do that all the time, it will very quickly change your entire character and you will become a bad person just like that and the entire world will gain a bad person and lose a good person." He smiled as we reached the school gates, waving his hand to me. "Have a fun day in school and I will be back to pick you up later!"

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now