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I hear the familiar hum at the door and I know that it is Ong Seongwoo because he is the only person who knows the passcode and he is the main tenant of this place as he is the one who rented out this place and I am just staying with him and I am paying him my part of the rental as well.

I could buy a new apartment under my name and we wouldn't have to resort to forking out a small sum of money to continue living in a place where you call home but the thing is that I don't have that much money even though I have a portion of the shares from my father's company and I am doing an internship at that place, that money is not that mine as it belongs to the company and I can't just take a small sum of money to pay for my place.

I would have to work hard for my success and I am planning to buy my place after that, I could allow Ong Seongwoo to continue to stay with me but at least we don't have to pay any rent if we have our place. But for now, this place is fine and Ong Seongwoo likes it so much that I am the one who is paying rent to him every single month.

The door opened and he appeared behind it, looking as happy as ever. "Did you miss me when I am gone?" He walked into the apartment as if he has been gone for days when he only spent the night at his parent's place, he is not even bringing his luggage along and he has his backpack along with him.

"You just went back to your parent's place for one night, there is nothing that makes me miss you," I said to him and he scoffed. "Your family home is in Seoul and it doesn't take one hour to reach."

He rolled his eyes at him. "Rude, you should be happy that I am back. Did anything happen last night?" He asked me. "Did you ask Yeongwon to come over last night?"

My eyes darted all over the place as I thought hard for an excuse that would fool him, Yeongwon did come over last night and she stayed the entire night, I must not let him know about that. "I was on my own the entire night and I stayed up the entire night just studying."

"Is it?" He said and he walked over to the couch he looked closely at the couch and then picked up something, walking back towards me. "Then what is it? Your hair isn't that long and I don't remember that we have a wig laying around the house, it is weird for the two of us to have a wig laying around the house."

I stared at the hair, it is Yeongwon's hair and we were watching a movie last night when she fell asleep and I carried her to my bed because I wanted her to sleep well and not to wake up with a backache. "Are you going to tell the truth? Or are you going to let me spout even more nonsense?"

I let out a sigh. "Fine, Yeongwon was here last night but we didn't do anything at all," I confessed and he prompted me to go further. "Nothing else happened."

"Really? You wouldn't invite a girl over if you didn't have any intention, you had the thought of doing something with her." He said. "So how far did it progress?"

I walked away from him and he quickly put me into a headlock. "Something happened, did you do it with her?"

"I told you that nothing happened, so nothing happened," I told him. "We just watched a movie and then we fell asleep, I am very serious about it."

He looked at me once again and then he let out a sigh. "Fine, I believe you. Why did nothing happen between the two of you? There is supposed to be some progress in your relationship and you two have been together for so long."

"It has only been 6 months." I corrected him.

"6 months is 2 school terms and 2 seasons, it is a long time and nothing much progressed in your relationship." He sat down on the couch. "Why is that so?"

"We are taking it slow, it is a trademark and we are happy like this," I told him. "Why are you even so interested in this?"

"Because it is just so unusual, the way that you are dating is not like how you are supposed to be dating anyone. You are taking so slowly that it looks like you are planning to marry her or something, you are taking all the time in the world to get to know her and you are going to marry her so that you have all the time to be with her."

Marry Yeongwon? It has been something that has been coming up ever since I started dating Yeongwon and the more I got to know about her, the more certain that my decision to be with Yeongwon is right but marriage is not in my plans. To be exact, I am not a fan of marriages and I come from a broken family.

My father got together with his mistress years before my mother passed away and he officially married his mistress which he later divorced, there is nothing happy about this marriage and I am afraid of people marrying each other because my father is an expert on broken marriages and I am afraid of getting into a marriage that I think that it would work.

And I don't want to disappoint Yeongwon and I would like to tell her the truth someday if she would continue to believe that we would work and she would be the smarter one and end the relationship with me and save herself from getting hurt.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now