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"Look! It is the Medusa and her victim!" Which were the words that I would never want to hear again, it is hurting and I don't like it. I am not like the Monster Medusa at all, and plus she isn't evil in nature, she was being betrayed by love and that love that she had for her loved one turned into hatred and she then became the monster that she was.

But I am still not Medusa, I am who I am and nothing can ever change that. I just don't get why they wanted me to label me like that, it is so hurting and undeserving of me to have that nickname and to be called that nickname everywhere I go. And it hurts me even more that Hwang Minhyun is also being labelled with a gruesome nickname just because he is next to me and they will target whoever is standing or sitting next to me, because of me, he is going to be disliked and bullied for the rest of his high school life and it will only end unless he graduates from high school or he transfers to another school before then.

"Are you guys having fun doing all of that? It is very childish and that kind of behaviour should remain back in elementary school where they criticize a student on literally anything like a boy classmate having a pink bottle." Hwang Minhyun commented and that made everyone shut their mouths up and stare at him, not saying anything at all and it has made the atmosphere tense and awkward.

"Just because it is not you that is getting bullied, then it is alright to bully others just for the sake of bullying? What is that? You guys are just feeling extremely insecure about yourselves and want to prove to yourself that you are capable of making yourself look strong by dragging others down. Seeing that you guys are all speechless, I guess that I had just hit the jackpot."

Other than the others that are the ones who are speechless, I am speechless as well because I have never expected that to come from Hwang Minhyun. He wasn't the type to snap at others even when he seemed very angry, he would keep his calm down and process things in the best way possible so that no one gets hurt from it. But I just didn't expect that he would be this angry at them when he knew that they have been bullying me from the very start.

One of the tough-looking guys in our class laughed. "Are you sure? You are a new transfer student, you don't know our student culture here because you are not from here. In our school, it is totally normal to call our fellow classmates by gruesome nicknames because this is how we display our affection for our fellow classmates and it is not hurting in any way at all--" Hwang Minhyun cuts him off. "That is just utter bullshit, you said all of that just to defend yourself. No school has such a culture where they would call each other by hurtful nicknames for fun, it is called bullying for your information."

The gangster girl who attacked me in the toilets the last time stands up, crossing her arms over each other. "Since you know exactly what it is, why don't you try to solve everything like how a Prince Charming would do? Oh, I forgot... You might have the looks of a prince but you are not a prince at all, you are the slave of Medusa and she has totally cursed you to stay with her for the rest of your life."

I shut my eyes as I heard that hurtful nickname coming from her mouth, I could only take it from this much and any more than that would make me want to leave the classroom sooner than later. If I had known that this would happen, I would stay home and not come out at all...

And then the unexpected happened, Hwang Minhyun did something that I have never expected from that and he shocked me. It took a few seconds to make him all fired up and he ran towards the guy and he threw a punch towards his face, he started punching the guy and it became a full-on fight in a matter of seconds.

He is definitely going to get in deep trouble for this... He shouldn't have even minded his business into my matters, he should've left me alone from the moment that he knew that I was getting bullied and I was at wit's ends. He knew that I was getting bullied by the others and that had been going for a very long time, no one had tried to solve the issue and now he tries to solve my problem which doesn't seem to be helping me at all, I am still being called Medusa and he is now dragged into this mess just because he wanted to help me get out of it.

And before I could even react, I was summoned to the principal's office along with Hwang Minhyun and the guy that he punched. We were sent in one by one and I was the first one that the principal called in, I made my way in and the principal was greeting me with a smile. "Bae Yeongwon? Have a seat please."

I sat down and he sipped on his cup of coffee. "Can you tell what happened in class earlier? Can you tell me everything more in detail?"

I somehow don't want to confess everything to the principal right now, about what happened earlier in the classroom and the fact that I was being bullied by all of the other classmates. "I... I... I don't have anything to say about this at all, nothing much happened and it is not because of me."

"Bae Yeongwon, you don't have to lie to me about you getting bullied. I know all about it, Hwang Minhyun was the one who told me about it the day where you got confronted by Lee Sol in the toilet 2 weeks ago, he told me everything about you getting name-calling and verbal abuse."

"Hwang Minhyun did that?" I had to confirm again that it is not some random person who has the same name as him. It is impossible for him to do that just for me, we don't even know each other that well before that day.

"Yes, he certainly did. Because of that, we suspended Lee Sol for 2 weeks and her last day of suspension ended yesterday." He continued. "You are really lucky to have Hwang Minhyun as your friend to help you get through this phase of your life, he is a very righteous kid and would not ignore injustice in front of him."

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now