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It is a school day once again and I am forced to wake up for school, school is not something that I enjoy going for and it is not like I am the model student or something, I am outcast because of my different colored eyes and I am never treated nicely whenever I am in school, I get called by horrible names and I hated those names.

Only one person calls me by my actual name and he calls it with a soft tone to it, my boyfriend is the only one who treats me as someone special and he is the one who is the motivation for me to go to school and I feel important when I am with him.

And I am hosting a radio show now and that means that people in school is going to find out soon and they are going to bully me for wanting to be famous again, they really don't have anything meaningful to do in their lives to the point that they have to ruin someone's life and make them so miserable.

They are the reason why the suicide rates of teenagers are always so high and those numbers are not going down no matter what year it is, as long as there are still bullies around, nothing is going to happen and only good people go to heaven because they are angels.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Hwang Minhyun asked me when we are in the bus, even though he doesn't live near me at all, he still insists on going to school with me so that I won't be lonely and there is someone to talk on during the whole bus trip to school.

I shook my head. "I can still sleep in class, it is not like the teachers would call on me all the time and I don't think that they even know that I exist." I said to him.

"They know that you exist, I know that they do and you are not a speck of dust in the school. You are going to be a huge radio DJ and they are missing out on that, you should totally join the campus radio club so that you can give announcements and everyone will get to hear your voice." He leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Aren't I already doing a show?" I told him. "Everyone can hear my voice every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and they don't need to pay a fee. I don't want the attention to go to me, you do know that the people in this school know me as the girl with the weird eyes and they call me horrible names."

They might even try to bring down the campus radio if they know that I am one of the DJs and I am not in any clubs for the same reason, it is best for me to live my life without any presence and I wouldn't get hurt in the process.

"They didn't know that you could host a radio show and they don't know that you have such a lovely voice, they might even start to like you when they find out that you are one of the DJs on the midnight radio show and they would stop hating on you for something that isn't necessary at all." He said. "Don't think too much about it, it is not like they are the ones who is going to decide how to live your life, they don't decide your life and you have the right to do whatever you want with your life and it is using your voice to calm their troubled minds."

"From where I learned about people, they are never going to change their way of seeing the world. They only follow the others in order to not be left out or to be mistreated by the rest of the world. They might not say it but their actions mean everything, they are just trying to live the world without having a hard time and trying to avoid getting into trouble and being different from the other humans in this world." I told him and he clapped his hands. "No, this is not a TED talk."

"I know but I just want to let you know that you are not going to be treated like this forever and they are going to like you someday." He held my hand.

"Just like how you are towards me?" He nodded his head.

We got to school and I immediately looked down by instinct because they don't like me looking straight and my eyes scare the hell out of them, it is not like my eyes can shoot lasers and make them turn into stone. When will they realize that I am just like them?

I sat in class and half the day went by without any problems till the homeroom teacher wanted to give us back the results of the test that we took a few days ago and he wanted us to go up to him when our names are called, he could have just passed it back to us. He is just too lazy to walk around although he should be walking around to lose some of that weight that he has on his stomach.

"Bae Yeongwon!" I stood up at my name and I walked up to him, cautiously looking for anyone who might do anything funny to me and they didn't, they just sat down in their seats without sticking one leg out and having a paper ball in their hand.

"You did well on that radio show, you should join the campus radio club and you will be the most talented one there." He said to me and I was taken aback that he actually knows that I have taken up a DJ job in that midnight radio show, I thought a teacher should be going to bed early. No wonder they all look like ghosts in the morning and they bring their coffee filled tumblers to every single class.

"What radio show? She hosts a show? Who is she even?" I heard murmurs from here and there.

"Our classmate here Bae Yeongwon is part of a radio show on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Please show your support for your dear classmate and friend by tuning into her show." I looked towards Hwang Minhyun who gave me a satisfactory smile.

Odd-eyed Beauty // hwang minhyun (#27)Where stories live. Discover now