Chapter 37: Serendipity

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"Marley wakie wakie."

"5 more minutes mom. " I mumbled then I shot up when I realised what I had said.

Brody was standing over my bed and I put my head in my hands when I realised I had thought about my mom. I hadn't dreamt about her since I moved away and now the dreams are back.

"Sorry Brody." I groaned.

"Don't be." Brody smiled and rubbed my back. "It's 5 Marls, there's hot water and Sarah-Jayne left a dress and heels by for you for your dinner with Robbie."

"Thank you Brody." I smiled weakly then I stepped out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom.

"You were talking in your sleep again." Brody stopped me and i turned around to him.

"What did I say?" I asked worried.

"You were calling my name, so I stayed with you." Brody replied.

"Thank you." I smiled at Brody then turned back around and walked into the bathroom.

I was very tired.... I needed that sleep and more. I didn't know why I was calling out for Brody in my sleep but I'm glad he stayed with me. It meant a lot he still cared to do that kind of stuff for me.

Anyway now I jumped into the shower and washed my entire body then I jumped out and began to do my hair. After drying it I simply curled it until it fell into long curly locks. With a towel wrapped around me I walked back into my bedroom which was now empty and found the dress Sarah-Jayne had left me. It was a beautiful white skater dress with a black belt and black heels and a black statement necklace.

I quickly changed into the outfit and then I did my makeup which didn't take long and now I was finished. It was just coming up to 6 as well. I grabbed my things and left my room then went down the stairs to find Robbie. I found him in the living room with Sean, Ryan, Jake, Sarah-Jayne and Brody.

"Whoa." Ryan drooled over me.

"It's Sarah-Jayne's outfit." I laughed holding up my hands. "You ready Robbie?"

"Definitely." Robbie jumped up and to my side. 

"Bye guys, we won't be home late." I told the others then Robbie and I left the house.

Robbie escorted me to his car and opened the door for me like the gentleman he always is. Then he joined me and set the restaurant details into the SAT navigation and followed the directions.

"So how was your day?" I asked Robbie.

"Good. My team won obviously." Robbie gloated. "Hey marls, who's Chase?"

Chase?! How does Robbie know Chase? Oh no I bet he met him today....

"Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"He some how found out you and I were close and he came up to me and started asking me about you." Robbie replied. "I didn't tell him much, so who is he?"

"I guess we had a thing when I first came here then I found a few things out about him that I didn't like. He's not a good person." I told Robbie.

"He said he wanted to see you again." Robbie told me.

"That's not happening. Brody would never let that happen." I told Robbie.

"What's Brody got to do with it?"Robbie asked getting a little jealous.

"He just doesn't like Chase very much either." I shrugged.

Robbie didn't push the subject and so we sat in silence all the way to the restaurant. 

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