Chapter 49: Grinch

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The sun beamed through my curtains and shone on my bedding and up to catch my eyes. I lifted my bedding and threw it over my head with a large sigh. The last thing I wanted to do was get up today. Tomorrow was December 25th, Christmas and I didn't know how I felt about it. I was waiting to be with Brody again and in the mean time all I could do was contemplate my life. This time last year I had two loving parents, a caring brother and a fiancé and now I have loads of dysfunctional friends and family but I wouldn't change them for the world.

"Marley!" I heard Sarah-Jayne barge into my room then felt her jump on my bed. I groaned and pulled back the covers to see her sitting there looking perky. "Get up!"

"No." I moaned.

"Marley. You can not stay in your bed and cry about your life anymore. Get up." She demanded.

"Whoa someone's in the Christmas spirit." I rolled my eyes.

"Baby girl I know you want to be with Brody and you will but for now you are going to get up, make yourself pretty and come have fun with your friends." Sarah-Jayne smiles innocently. "You me and Lucy are going to the mall to get something nice to wear for tomorrow."

"You can be really annoying sometimes you know that." I sighed.

Sarah-Jayne laughed then I reached over and pushed her off the bed. She fell to the floor with a thud and that caused me to break out in laughter.

"You're such a grinch sometimes." Sarah l-Jayne groaned getting up again. "Get ready grinch."

I threw my pillow at Sarah-Jayne just as she was leaving me room and she managed to avoid by hit by it. She had a point I guess. Things were finally calming down for me right now and although I was waiting on Brody I already knew I had him so I could be patient. I had to be grateful because tomorrow I get to spend the day with so many people that I love. So through a lot of self motivation I pulled myself out of bed and decided to put on a smile.

I went to my wardrobe and pulled out black dungarees and a red jumper to go underneath them matched it with dr martens when I was finished changing. I brushed through my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair fell down to my waist and I ran through my fingers through it contemplating how I looked. I had looked like this everyday for the past few years. Through everything bad that has happened me one thing has stayed the same, the way I looked. I didn't want to hold on to this image. Maybe it was time for a change. I threw my hair up in a pony tail and then grabbed my phone and my bag then left me room.

On my way down the stairs I checked my phone in hopes that Brody had text me but he hadn't. Only Robbie had text me the usually good morning texts. I quickly replied to him and made my way into the kitchen where I heard multiple voices.

"There she is!" Tyler exclaimed and pulled me in to a hug. "The grinch finally leaves her bed."

"Is everyone calling the grinch now?" I rolled my eyes while everyone else laughed.

Tyler was here with all the Callaghan boys, Lucy, Sarah-Jayne and Marty. It looked like Tyler was getting on well with the cousins again which I was so happy about. It meant the world to me that my family was all here and getting along.

"Okay can we go now I'm running out of shopping time." Lucy moaned growing impatient as usual.

"Do I have to go, please don't make me go, please please." I whispered to Tyler but it was too late as Lucy grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the kitchen with S-J.

Lucy dragged us outside and into her car. As much as I loved Lucy now I did not love her lack of patience and obsession with shopping but I knew better to argue with her so I sat back and shut up while she drove to the mall. In my state of silence I stared at my phone and waited for a notification from Brody but nothing came through. I knew I was being stupid but I couldn't predict what he was going to do. I didn't like being so in the dark.

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