chapter 35: Rebels

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"That was amazing Brody. Thank you." I laughed as we jumped out of his car when we got home.

"I knew you'd love it." He smiled me as we walked into the Callaghan house.

"Ok so I text everybody separately and told them to meet me at the carnival in half an hour. Let's just grab Robbie." I said to Brody.

Brody waited at the bottom of the stairs while I ran up to my room and found Robbie.

"Hi, how was your day?" I hugged him.

"Great, you're right about your friends, they're pretty awesome, we had so much fun. How was yours?" Robbie asked me.

"Amazing!! I loved seeing Danny. I told Tyler I was staying here which put me in a bad mood but then Brody made it all better." I told Robbie. "Are you ready to go?"

Robbie nodded then I pulled him downstairs. Then the three of us got into Brody's car and he drove to the carnival. This was my big plan, get them all to a closed carnival and have a little fun. This wasn't legal and we were bound to get caught but it's fun and something our group would do. I'm just hoping it brings everyone together again, I know it won't be easy but I have to try.

"Marls how illegal is this?" Robbie asked me.

"Not that illegal." I laughed looking a Brody.  "If we get caught the least we could get is just a warning and the most is a fine and a few nights in jail."

"Marls!" Robbie exclaimed clearly not up for being rebellious.

"Robbie it's fine, if the cops come you just run as fast as you can and get a lift with one of my friends. I can handle the cops if it comes to it." I shrugged. "Don't be worried."

"I didn't know you were so rebellious Marley-Rose." Robbie stated.

"Then you don't know Marley-Rose well enough." Brody smiled at me and i smiled back.

I knew that was a dig at Robbie but Brody was just stating a fact. There was still a lot Robbie didn't know about me that Brody did.

"Did you invite your friend Sam Marley?" Robbie asked me ignoring Brody.

"Yeah of course. I have a plan for getting him to talk to me too. Just get Sam onto the fairest wheel and I'll get on with him then when we're up high, stop it." I told them.

"I'll take care of it." Brody smiled.

"Thanks Brody." I smiled back at him.

Brody parked his car hidden near the carnival so if the cops did come they couldn't see his car then we all got out and made our way to the back entrance of the carnival gates. We were the first ones here so we had to wait.

"So Marls, what are the chances of us getting caught?" Robbie worried.

"Like 10%." I lied.

Brody and I shared a look because we both knew the truth. We would definitely get caught but I didn't want Robbie worrying. He usually doesn't worry about things like this, I think it's just he's in an unfamiliar place with strange people that he would naturally be a little nervous.

It wasn't long before the others started to arrive. Lucy was actually first. I invited her because I think now we are friends and we do get on well. Then Ryan showed up.

"Marls I thought it was just the two of us." Ryan questioned.

Then Sean showed up.

"What are they doing here?"Sean looked at all the others.

Then Jamie and Nelana showed up and looked around them.

"Marley what's going on?" Jamie asked.

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