Chapter 33: Being the best

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I stood and stared out my bedroom window looking at Brody's room but only it wasn't his anymore,  he had switched rooms. I guess I can understand him switching rooms, I would have did it but Brody's a lot stronger than I am. I was just excited to see him again today, to see all them again. It felt so good to wake up here, it used to be one of my favourite things, waking up and looking out my window and seeing Brody or else waking up beside him.

It was early now, it's funny how when I went away I slept in everyday and now I'm back here I'm up early again. There wasn't a sound in the house, even Robbie wasn't awake and he's an early riser. On his own Robbie wouldn't have woken up but he heard me moving around the room and so he opened his eyes a tiny but looking so tired.

"Am I dreaming?" Robbie yawned. "You're never up early, is everything ok?"

"Yeah I'm just thinking." I smiled at him and walked over to his side of the bed then bent down beside him and ran my fingers through his hair. "You go back to sleep, I'm going to go for a run."

"Ok well be careful." Robbie yawned then closed his eyes and went straight back to sleep.

I smiled at my sleeping best friend then stood up and went to my closet. I couldn't really find much clothes but there was a few running outfits. I slipped into my running clothes, running leggings and a sports top then I put my runners on and tied my hair up. I took my phone, putting my earphones in then I left the room. I jogged down the stairs and into the kicthen where I got a bottle of water then left the house.

I figured I was allowed to run now, my weight was getting better and I was getting better in general so I thought it was now safe to run. I did it back home and if didn't have an effect on me. I loved it, if was all I wanted to do, it helps me forget about the world around me.

The sun was just rising when I left the house. I bent down and tightened my shoe laces and when I looked up I looked over at Brody's house where I saw him out doing the same thing. He was in his running gear too, that was weird. He looked up at me and smiled then jogged over to me.

"Morning." He smiled. "Are you going for a run?"

"Yeah, you?" I asked back.

"Yeah." He replied. "Hey, is it ok for you to run?"

"It's fine Brody,  you've probably noticed I've put some weight on so running won't effect my body as much as it used to." I replied.

"I hadn't, noticed. I just thought you got even more beautiful." He smiled. "So do you want to run together?"

"You do remember I'm faster than you right." I laughed.

"Maybe you used to be." He smirked. "Let's go."

I accepted his challenge and the two of us started off our run. We took it easy to begin with.

"So Robbie didn't want to join you on a run?" Brody asked me as we ran.

"I don't care what anybody says, even if he is the star football player, he's a lazy ass." I laughed.

"So he's the star football player?" Brody asked.

"And soccer and basketball, and he's president of the French club and newspaper." I told Brody. "And he's an honour student."

"So he's perfect?" Brody asked.

"Hell no! He's afraid of dogs, allergic to cats, sucks at cooking and cleaning and he doesn't like the lion king." I told Brody.

"So he's the opposite of you?" Brody asked.

"Yeah but he's kind of the female version of me as well." I laughed. "We are very alike."

"I'm glad he makes you happy. " Brody sighed.

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