Chapter 9

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Everything was dark. Every part of me ached. I couldn't remember what happened. I wanted so badly to just be with Brody, in his arms. I didn't want to be like this.

I forced myself to open my eyes where I saw I was in a hospital bed surrounded by my cousins, Sarah-Jayne, the boys and Brody.

"She's up!" Zayn noticed and everyone stood up.

"My head hurts." I rubbed my temples. "What happened?"

"The doctor says you had a severe panic attack." Joseph sighed.

A panic attack, I don't get panic attacks, never. I looked around the room then my eyes landed on Jake. I remembered what he did.

"I want Jake out Brody." I said looking at Brody who was by my side.

"Ok." Brody nodded. "Jake you really need to go."

"I'm not going!" Jake said.

"Run on back to Lucy." I rolled my eyes, turning on my side on the bed. I hadn't forgotten what he told Lucy and I didn't plan on forgetting.

"What did I do M-R?" He asked me.

"You told Lucy I self-harmed!" I yelled, looking at him. "You told her I was Bulimic and Anorexic. You told her I suffered from depression, among other things."

I do realise that five of the people here didn't know that but they do now. I was that upset I was beyond caring what anyone thought of me right now.


"Get out Jake!" Zayn yelled at Jake.

Jake left. I sat there with everyone watching me. I wondered what they were all thinking of me? Did they hate me now they knew my secrets? Would they treat me differently? Usually people did. I didn't want that from these people I didn't want their pity or judgement I just wanted their friendship.

"Someone say something." I stuttered.

Sarah-Jayne leaned over the bed and hugged me. Then, one by one everyone joined in the hug. I felt comforted now and relieved they didn't hate me.

"Why are you all being so nice to me, I'm crazy." I said.

"You had your reasons." Ryan shrugged.

"But Lucy's going to tell everyone." I said.

"And if she does, your family aka us, the boys and Sarah-Jayne will still be by your side." Jeremy told me.

"Yeah and at least you punched her right." Brody smirked at me and everyone laughed.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked them

"Three." Sean replied.

"In the morning?" I asked.

"Yeah." Matt replied.

"You should be in bed Matt and why are you all still here?" I asked them.

"Because we love you." Sam replied.

"And I can stay up as late as I want." Matt butted in and everyone laughed.

"Well I want to go home, I've got a busy day tomorrow, right guys?" I asked Brody and the rest.

"It's not a good idea to do it anymore, until you get better." Brody said.

"Brody I'll never be 'better', I just want to make the most out of life." I told Brody.

"Well then I guess you do have a busy day." Brody smiled.

I smiled up at Sarah-Jayne who was cradled in Jamie's arms and wearing his jacket. That was so cute. I pushed myself up out of the bed and Sam balanced me. Brody came around to my other side and put my arm around his shoulder.

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