Chapter 45: In the arms of friends

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"Now guys, wasn't today amazing?" I smiled at all my tired looking friends as we reached the house porch again.

"Well I loved it." Sarah-Jayne chirped up.

"It was great M-R." Ryan smiled.

"It really opened my eyes." Sean agreed.

"Yeah and I got a cute volunteers number." Lucy smirked to herself and the rest of us rolled our eyes.

"I hope you guys aren't too tired because I had an idea."  I stated and they all groaned.

"What now? Are you going to make us save the dolphins or plants trees?" Sam groaned.

"No." I laughed. "That's for another day. I was thinking we could all go ice skating in the park"

"That sounds great. Let's go." Jake agreed.

Then we all jumped into separate cars to go ice skating. Sarah-Jayne, Jake and Sam joined me in Brody's car. As Brody began driving I suddenly got a call from JC. Curious, I answered it.

"JC hi." I said uneasily and Brody looked over to me curious as well.

"Marley-Rose." He sighed. "You really are a piece of trouble."

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You left Tyler."he replied and I sighed realising this was asked serious talk. "Marley I understand if you want to live with the Callaghans, I mean they cared for you when you needed it. Tyler just doesn't understand that. Tyler lost everyone just like you did. All he has left is you and me. He doesn't have all the Callaghans like you do. I didn't call to lecture you Marls, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going home tomorrow to spend Christmas with my own family. Tyler got a call from Marty inviting him to his for a family Christmas. It took some convincing but he'll be there in two days. I just wanted to let you know and Marley,  have a good Christmas."

Then JC hung up on me. I was happy in the place JC and I were in, we managed to be friends after everything and he had just gave me great news. I needed to see Tyler and he needed me just as much as I needed him. What I wasn't looking forward to though was explaining to him the Angelo situation. Somehow I don't think he'll take it the best.

"Everything okay?" Brody asked me curious about the phone call.

"I get to see my brother in a few days." I smiled.

"That's a good thing right?" Jake asked and I nodded. "So he's not going to drag you back?"

"I hope not." I shrugged. "I just want this Christmas to be good, my last few have completely sucked and this year...things are different."

"It will be a good year Marls because you have all of your family here for you."Jake smiled and rubbed my arm from the back seat.

"I'm so lucky I still have you." I smiled at Jake and he smiled back lovingly.

"Always and forever baby cous." He ruffled my hair.

"Oh we're here!" Sarah-Jayne exclaimed looking out the window at the beautiful ice skating rink in the middle of the park.

"It's pretty cold." I stated jumping out of the car with the others.

"Here." Brody reached into the car and pulled me out a spare jumper of his.

"Thank you." I smiled then threw the jumper on to try and salvage some heat.

It was snowing lightly but the rink looked so pretty. So we met up with the other guys and went and got our skates. This was always a Christmas favourite of mine to do. Usually I would do it with my parents and my brother but I'm sure it would be fun to make new memories with my friends here.

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