Chapter 12

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"What if they don't like me Brody?" I asked Brody nervously.

I was getting ready to go for Sunday Dinner with Brody's parents. This was important to me because of Brody obviously but also because they were friends of my parents. I was standing in front of my full length mirror wearing a short red dress and black iron fist heels. Brody was sitting on my bed, staring at me.

"They'll love you baby." Brody assured me. "Now come on."

He took my hand, took me downstairs then over to his house. I let go of his hand before he opened the door and led me into his lovely house. The inside was a lot like Marks, casual but classy at the same time. He took me into the dining room where his mum and dad were as well as Drake. They were all looking very smart and there was a grand dinner in front. They all stood up to greet me.

"Everyone this Marley-Rose, Marley-Rose these are my parents and you've already met Drake." Brody said.

"It's so nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Morgan." I smiled at them.

"Please Marley-Rose, Joey and Claire." Joey smiled at me.

We all sat down, said grace and began eating.

"Marley-Rose may I say you look so much like your parents." Claire told me.

"I'm sorry about what happened your parents, I was at the funeral." Joey told me.

"I remember." I said.

"So how have you been?" Joey asked me.

"You know, up and down. I was sick for awhile, Brody's helping me though." I smiled at Brody.

"And your brother, Tyler how's he?' Joey asked.

"I don't know Sir, he moved to England, we don't talk." I replied.

"I'm sorry." Joey put his head down.

"It's ok Sir, Zayn, Joseph, Jeremy and Matt have always been better brothers to me anyway." I laughed nervously and Brody took my head under the table.

"And Jake?" He asked.

"Things aren't that good with him either Sir, he told someone I hated about my problems when I was sick." I sighed

"If you don't mind me asking, what was wrong with you?" Joey asked me.

"Dad!" Brody interjected

"It's ok Brody, everyone else knows." I smiled at Brody then turned back to Joey. "I went through some bad stuff Sir. I suffered severe depression, was diagnosed anorexic and bulimic and I self-harmed Sir."

I kept my head down, they were really going to hate me now.

"Because of the rape?" I looked up at Joey when he said that. "Marley I was your fathers best friend, of course he would tell me. I know everything you've been through and I have the upmost respect for you."

"Thank you Sir." I smiled at him.

"You're a really beautiful young girl." Claire smiled at me. "Don't you agree boys?"

"Stunning." Drake agreed.

"Perfect." Brody whispered in my ear.

"So Marley-Rose do you have a boyfriend?" Claire asked me.

"No ma'am." I lied.

"I would love one of my boys to catch you." Claire smiled.

I smiled at Brody.

"Actually, I've got a date with her tomorrow." Drake smiled at me.

"Is that so? You're a bit old for her son." Joey told Drake.

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