Chapter 17: The Break-Up

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I rushed into the changing room fifteen minutes late to gym because I had to take Drake into town. I quickly stripped into my gym outfit and ran outside for hopefully some track. Everyone else was already hard at work.

"Miss Summers, you're late, fifty laps." Mr Fell told me.

I didn't want to argue so I started running the track but then I fell into Brody's arm. He lifted me up and took me back to Mr Fell.

"What's the meaning of this Mr Morgan?" Me Fell asked Brody.

"Marley has an illness and her doctors say she can't run, I left the note in the office for you this morning Sir." Brody told Mr Fell.

"Very well, you'll do her work plus your own Mr Morgan." Mr Fell folded his arms.

"Sir, you can't do that!" I moaned.

"Go sit on the bank Miss Summers." Mr Fell told me.

"It's ok baby." Brody kissed me then ran off.

I spun on my heel then went and sat on the bank. I wanted to do my own work not have Brody do it for me. I was really pissed off. Soon, somebody sat down beside me, Chase.

"Mr Fell will shout at you." I told him.

"I've an excuse." Chase told me. "I'm guessing because you haven't punched me yet, you don't hate me anymore?"

"I just don't feel like fighting, too much on my mind." I told him.

"Anything you want to talk about?" Chase asked me.

"Unless you can give me advice on how to let someone go I don't want to lose." I sighed.

"You're breaking up with Brody aren't you?" He asked me and I nodded. "I knew you two were going out. Ok then, be honest with him, tell him why it's not working and if he has enough respect for you he will respect your decision."

"And if he doesn't?" I asked looking at Chase.

"He's not the man you thought he was and he's not your friend." Chase shrugged.

"Do you think he'll hate me?" I asked Chase.

"Brody doesn't forgive easily but he's different with you, you don't know, he might feel the same way, you should talk to him." Chase said.

"Yeah, I'll do that, thanks Chase." I smiled getting up.

I left Chase and ran down to the track then caught up with Brody.

"Marley-Rose you're not supposed to be running!" Brody scolded me.

"We need to talk." I told him.

"About what?" He asked me.

"Us. Can you just stop for a second?" I asked him but he didn't stop. "Brody we can't be together anymore...."

Brody stopped running and turned to me. I didn't want to do this, I was so bad at it.

"What are you talking about?" He asked me.

"Brody I can't do this, me and you don't belong together. We rushed into it and now I'm regretting it. I still love you but I want to just be your friend first. We just need a break so we can get to know each other." I said looking at the ground.

That was so stupid and cliché, I'm so going to regret doing this. I'm letting go an amazing boy, I didn't deserve him. I couldn't even look at him, it hurt to much.

"You're breaking up with me?" Brody asked me.

"I still love you but I just think we need a break, I really just want to be your friend Brody and I don't want you to hate me." I said.

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