Chapter 29: New Interests

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"So why don't we go out for Indian tonight?" Tyler suggested.

"I'm actually going out." I told him.

"With who?" Tyler asked instantly.

"A new friend, Robbie." I blushed. "Well I'm going to go and get ready."

"Wait Marl, I feel we should talk about this." Tyler said and I laughed.

"Ty I don't need another big brother talk. I'm still trying to get over the one you give me before I went out with that idiot." I laughed looking at JC and he snarled back.

"M-R that's not it." Tyler sighed. "It hasn't been long since you and Brody broke up, are you ready to start dating cause you told us you weren't."

"I'm not." I sighed. "You wouldn't believe the way Robbie asked me out but I just want a friend."

"Then I guess you better get ready." Tyler smiled.

I smiled at my brother for understanding then ran up the stairs to get changed. I changed into a black skirt and a floral blouse with floral heels. I fixed my hair, curling it more and fixed my makeup up then took my phone and handbag then went back downstairs.

Tyler and JC met me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok be safe and keep your phone on." Tyler told me being protective.

"I will." I groaned.

"You look beautiful." JC told me and i smiled at him.

"Okay I won't be long." I told them and then left the house.

I told Robbie that I would meet him at the coffee shop but when I stepped outside I found him on the porch holding a single pink rose. This boy was so spontaneous. luckily the door was closed so Tyler and JC didn't see so they couldn't ask a thousand questions.

"How did you find out where I lived?" I asked him smiling.

"The same way I found out your name." He smirked hut didn't reveal his secret.

He handed me the rose and I smelt it like girls in the movies would do.

"It's beautiful." I blushed.

"It reminded me of you." He told me. "You look very beautiful. "

"Should we go?" I asked.

Robbie held out his arm for me and I linked mine with his and we began walking to the coffee shop.

"So Marley-Rose now that we're going out...."

"As friends." I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes as friends." He frowned.  "So can you tell me why before I sang to you,  you wouldn't give me the time of day?"

I had nothing to lose anymore. Why shouldn't I tell him the truth...

"I'm recently out of a serious relationship, it was very recently and the relationship was very serious." I replied to Robbie.

"How serious?" He asked me.

"I guess we were engaged." I sighed.

"Wow really?" Robbie asked.

"Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't my first time engaged either." I bit my lip nervously. I wanted to be truthful. "I get if you want to run while you still can."

"I wouldn't run from you." Robbie told me. "You're too good to lose."

"That's not what they thought." I shirred "I'm sorry I'm sure you don't want to hear about this."

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