Chapter 3

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"Brody you add the water next!" I fought with Brody during our science experiment.

Brody and I were made to sit beside each other but at a table with the other five guys. Brody and I were working together and he wasn't listening to me even though I knew was right. I was a very intelligent girl and I knew that and clearly he didn't.

"I know what I'm doing." He shoved me off.

Brody added a green chemical to our already red chemical then it started to bubble and pop. Foam started to rise from it then BANG!! Brody and I were covered in a sicky pink colour. Thankfully very little got on my clothes, Brody tried to shield me from the explosion but it mostly got on my face and in my hair. Brody was covered, his poor black leather jacket was an awful pink colour now like he belonged in the link ladies. I was thankful he shielded me though. Then the science teacher joined us.

"Whose fault was this?" Mr Bander asked.

I folded my arms and shut my mouth, I am not a tout no matter how much I was growing to dislike Brody and his friends.

"Well this isn't good at all Miss Summers, you just earned detention on your first day, with Mr Morgan of course." Mr Bander told me. "Now you two go get cleaned up, detention at three thirty in the detention room for both you."

Mr Bander returned to the top of the class and me and Brody left the classroom to get washed up. I followed Brody because usually where the boys toilets are, there are girl toilets close by. And I was right we stopped at the toilets, on the right the boys and on the left the girls. I went to go left but Brody took my hand and dragged me right, into the boys toilets. There was luckily no one there. Brody led me over to the sink then he lifted me up and sat me on one of the sinks. I started to get butterflies by Brody being so close and touching me and I usually never act like that.

"This looks like a compromising position if any one walks in." I said and Brody laughed.

"I'm just trying to help you get cleaned up and vice versa." He told me, going over to the supply cupboard and lifting out a wash cloth. "You first."

Brody went to the sink beside me and damped the cloth then came back to me. I slipped my jacket off then he gently put the wash cloth on my forehead and started dabbing it.

"I told you to add the water next." I joked and he laughed.

"I never listen." He told me

"Well you should, my hair's pink!" I exclaimed and he laughed at me.

"You're funny." He told me.

"Just cause I'm funny doesn't mean I like you or your stupid friends either, I still think what you did last night was wrong." I told him.

"Get this, we do bad things sometimes and we don't care. We show no remorse, we have no conscious." He told me then through the wash cloth on my lap. "Your turn."

Brody took of his leather jacket so he was in his plain black t-shirt which you could easily see his muscles through. He put his hands on the side of the sinks beside my legs to support himself as he leaned in closer to me. Because we were so close I had to open my legs for his body to move in closer to me. This was intense and I really prayed no one came in and saw us.

"Ok, so you know my ink secrets, do you've any tats?" I asked him.

"I might." He smirked.

"Well go on then, let's see them." I suggested.

"No way rebel." He shook his head laughing.

"You saw mine." I huffed.

"Yeah but you're still not seeing them." He told me. "Unless...."

"Unless what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Unless you give me a kiss." He smirked suggestively.

A kiss? What was a kiss to finding out something I really wanted to know? I hated not knowing stuff. Brody was good-looking, very good-looking and I bet he's not the worst kisser either. Now I really wanted to kiss him but I didn't want him to know that.

"Fine." I told him and his eyes widened.

"Really?" He asked me and I nodded. "Deal!"

He went in to kiss me but I pushed back on his chest. "Tattoos first." I told him

Brody sighed and leaned back. He whipped off his shirt and threw it to the ground. I got distracted at first just staring at his muscles but then something pulled me away, the tattoo on his arm. The tattoo was in the space between his wrist and his elbow but didn't take up the whole space. It said 'Allis grave nil' in pretty calligraphy.

"What does it mean?" I asked him, touching the tattoo.

"Nothing is heavy to those who have wings." He replied.

"That's sweet, so just the one tattoo?" I asked him

He backed away again and lifted his trouser leg up and I saw his tattoo that said B.A.D, just above his foot.

"Bad?" I asked him.

"No B.A.D, Brody. Ally. Drake. My older brother and younger sister." He told me.

"That's so cute." I smiled.

"Ok so you know what mine mean, what about yours?" He asked me, leaning back in close to me.

"My parents died, I thought my back tattoo was appropriate and the swallow represents strength and pride." I told him.

"Great, now pay up." He smirked puckering his lips.

I turned my head for a second then looked back at him. I put my arms around his neck and at the same time he put his hands on my waist. He bent down first then I leaned up and our lips joined. His lips were so soft but he still dominated the kiss. Brody lifted me off the sink so he could bring our bodies even closer together. He started kissing my neck, I looked over his shoulder and saw Chase standing by the door. I pushed Brody off me then he turned to see Chase too.

"Do you mind?" Brody smirked.

Chase didn't say anything, just walked out of the toilets. I grabbed my jacket then ran out of the toilets after him. I didn't want him spreading this around the whole school, I've already got myself detention I can't deal with anymore unwanted attention.

"Chase wait up." I called after him and he spun round to me.

"What?!" He asked me seeming slightly pissed.

"That wasn't what it looked like. I just wanted to find something out and in return he wanted a kiss." I explained truthfully.

"So it was nothing?" He asked me.

"Yeah, he's not my type." I lied. Brody was my type in every way. He was exciting and passionate and hot but I know that's what I need to stay away from. I need stability and I really doubted that Brody was stable.

"Good cause I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the game tonight and watch me play and we could get to know each other better." Chase suggested.

"Yeah sure, I'd like that." I smiled at him. Chase seemed stable.

"I'll pick you up seven." He smiled then walked away and I walked back to class feeling confused about the kiss and confused about Chase.

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