chapter 38: spilled ink

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"Call me as soon as you get home." I exclaimed as I clung to the material on Robbies shirt as we said our goodbyes.

"I will Marls and I'll ring you every day and sure I'll see you when you come to get some clothes. It's ok Marls." Robbie told me.

"Just try to avoid Tyler and make sure Quinn is ok for me." I reminded Robbie.

"I will. Marley I have to go now." Robbie sighed. Then I threw my arms around him again hugging him tightly.

"I love you." I sighed.

"Love you too Marls." Robbie smiled and kiss my forehead then he turned and got into his car.

I stepped away from his car as he started it up then I got one final wave before he took off. Once he was gone I let out a large sigh. I guess I was alone now.

I turned and started walking back to the house when Brody met me at the porch.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Fine." I sighed sitting down on the porch swing and was shortly joined by Brody.

"Fine never means fine Marls." Brody chuckled. "You're pissed off?"

"A little." I nodded. "I hate being between two worlds. Part of me wants to go back with Robbie, part of me never wants to leave here. I just can't figure it out."

"You have time to figure it out Marley-Rose,  you have your whole life so let's not waste any time." Brody smiled then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Come on, tat time."

"Just let me get my bag." I explained letting go of his hand then I entered the house and came back a few seconds later with my bag ready to go. I followed Brody to his car.

"Nervous?" Brody asked as he drove.

"It's only a tattoo."I shrugged trying not to act nervous even though I was I was ok getting my other tattoos but they weren't as big as this one's going to be. "They'll let you get yours done in the same room as me right?"

"Already cleared it with them." Brody smirked and I let out a sigh of relief. "So my friend Kai will be doing yours, he's very good."

"Tyler is so going to kill me." I groaned.

"Marls you don't have to get one if you don't want to, if you do then stop worrying about your brother, he can't control you, it's your body." Brody convinced me and I nodded.

"No I'm excited." I told Brody truthfully. "Thanks for this Brody."

"Of course." Brody smiled.


"Kai! Harley!" Brody called around the tattoo parlour then suddenly two very tattooed boys appeared in front of us. They didn't look that old but we're almost covered head to two in tattoos.

"Brody Morgan, good to see you again mate." One said in an English accent.

"Yeah it's about time you came back." The other said in an American accent.

"I know. Guys this is Marley-Rose the girl I was telling you about. Marls this is Kai and Harley." Brody introduced us.

"So you're mine!" Kai said in his English accent then grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side.

"Lucky asshole." Harley grunted and gave Kai the evils.

"Marley-Rose come with me, I'll show you the design I did for you." Kai smiled sweetly. I looked back at Brody and he nodded telling me to go with him so I did. Kai took me over to his work desk and set a sketch in my hand. It was beautiful and just the way I imagined it would be. It was everything I dreamed it would be, it was like Kai just knew what I wanted. It started as a pocket watch then sprouting out was branches and Roses and birds that all soared round each other magically.

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